Will Katie Unite With Jack? by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Katie Gets a Surprise Call


Katie got up early the next day for work. Her work at the university involved teaching students in architecture department and helping with supervision of thesis projects.

A week passed by. And as Katie snuggled under her sheets on bed after a hearty afternoon meal in the weekend, her phone buzzed. She looked at the number and did not recognize it. The guy on the other end said, “I am Jack. We met at the reunion party, remember?”

Immediately Katie recognized Jack. He was not in her mind for a while, yet while she chatted with Jack, it made her smile in joy.

As she hung up, she went to see what her Dad was doing and eventually shared the story of the reunion, Jack and his call. Her Dad laughed heartily. He finally said, “See if the guy proposes to you and see if you find your life partner in him.” Katie replied, ”I am not that much into him yet but I liked talking to him. That's it.” Her dad laughed again but said nothing this time.

As days passed by, Katie started getting calls from Jack more frequently but they didn't bother her. She accepted his calls happily.

Katie realized she wanted something more out of life and felt she could try going abroad for higher education.

Accordingly she applied abroad to several universities in Germany and a few of them responded. She finally chose one and corresponded more and more and as days went by, she finally got the acceptance letter from a university in the outskirts of Frankfurt. She wept in joy.

She thought of calling Jack, which she did and let him know that she would no longer be able to contact him because she would be leaving for Frankfurt soon. Jack was disappointed deeply and said, ”Do you have to go now? I was going to propose to you. Don't you realize that I am in love with you?”

Katie was taken aback at Jack's reaction but she said coolly, “I know what I am doing. I am not interested at the moment.”

Jack said, recovering, ”Okay, but can we keep in touch?”

Katie said briskly, ”Yes” and hung up.