Will Katie Unite With Jack? by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Katie Goes for Higher Education


Katie badly wanted a Masters in Architecture. So she took all the preparations and before her final departure, she let Jack know it as she promised. Jack's response was to contact him again from Frankfurt and that he really cared about her.

Katie got busy with hostel dorms, paying fees and other arrangements that took for days. Jack remained in anticipation for her call and kept saying to himself, ”She is busy. She will call.”

And it turned out Katie did call Jack. She had to purchase a cell phone set and SIM card before she could contact her family and Jack.

Katie got busy with studies and it was Jack who called her and took her updates from time to time.

After a year passed and Katie was done with 1st year studies, she happily called Jack. Jack was overjoyed to hear her voice. Jack finally said, ”Let's get married. We can get married on phone you know.”

Katie reflected for a moment and said, “Okay!”

Then the date was fixed, Kazi was called in, and witnesses were arranged both sides and a beautiful marriage took place over phone. Jack and Katie were both very happy but they couldn't see each other as it was still the early millennium time.

Jack now called every day before Katie went to sleep. Katie happily studied and gave quizzes and then it was time for a thesis. As she found herself a supervisor and a thesis topic, she planned to come back to her country, meet her spouse and family and go for data collection as well for her thesis.

As her in-laws came in touch with her, they wouldn't let her go anywhere until they gave away a marriage reception party. So there was a grand marriage reception.

After the reception, there were throw parties and parties from different relatives until it was time for Katie to return back. She couldn't collect any data for her thesis. How would she explain to her supervisor back abroad? She questioned herself for the hundredth time as she boarded the plane.

She was utterly confused not knowing what to do or where to go. Like a zombie she followed itinerary and reached her place until she had a very bad cry. Yeah she was alone and without decision. Jack's call came in at the right moment. Seeing her so unhappy, Jack said, “Just tell your supervisor the whole truth. He will accept. Don't worry anymore. Have your dinner and fall asleep.

Katie decided to do just as Jack said. It had been a long journey and therefore, taking her dinner, she fell fast asleep.

As she awoke, freshened and got dressed, she mentally ran through her mind how she would talk to her supervisor. After several trials she was ready.

She had breakfast and started to walk towards the university and her supervisor's office.

She started to cry and as she wept, she told everything to her supervisor. She asked for his forgiveness. Her supervisor was good enough to understand her and extended her thesis to another month and asked her to collect data in Frankfurt itself and gave a list of a few places where she could collect data for her thesis.

Katie got back her confidence. Wiping her tears away with the tissue napkin she held in her hand, she started out boldly and upright. She looked at the list of places and figured out where she could start. She saw the train charts and the map she had in her purse.

Yes, Katie got back working on her thesis and she was able to complete her thesis in the extended time. Jack visited her in Frankfurt in the middle of her thesis, and Katie was once more distracted. He didn't stay for long though because he knew how important the master's degree was to her and after a week, he had left.

Katie was happy, along with her classmates, as she wore the graduation gown and cap on her graduation ceremony and took photos. When she was bestowed upon her degree with a fresh new certificate, she couldn't help having moments of euphoria.

When Katie reached her dorm, her phone was already ringing and she found out it was Jack. Jack was in time to congratulate her and she thanked him.