You Can't Swim in These by Simon John James II - HTML preview

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From fibre with love


Becky Bug was in the lounge, snoozing on the armrest of the sofa. Mummy Bug crawled in.

“Hello Becky,” said Mummy Bug. “Hello Mummy,” said Becky.

“What are you going to do today?”

“I don’t know. I thought maybe I’d take a trip to the farm.”

“Which farm, Becky?”

“There’s a farm down the road. I thought I’d see if I could get something to eat from there.”

“Like what?”

“I really don’t know. But Cyril the Spider at school said I need more fibre. He said the best place to get it was at the farm.” “Why the farm?” asked Mummy Bug.

“He didn’t say. But he did say he’d meet me there,” replied Becky Bug.

“Sounds like you’re going on a date with

Cyril, Becky,” said Mummy Bug.

Becky blushed.

“Stop teasing Becky, Mummy Bug,” said Daddy Bug, who was seated reading the Daily Bugel newspaper.

“Becky doesn’t mind. Do you Becky?” asked Mummy Bug.

“It’s not a date, Mummy. Besides, I fancy

Charlie the Cockroach. Cyril’s just a friend.” “I think Charlie the Cockroach is a bit of a wimp for not asking you out ahead of Cyril the Spider. What do you think, Daddy Bug?” asked Mummy Bug.

“I’ll reserve my judgement on Charlie the

Cockroach. Maybe he’s just shy.”

“Or he doesn’t fancy you,” said Mummy bug.

“He’d be a fool not to fancy our Becky, wouldn’t he Mummy Bug?”

“Mmm,” replied Mummy Bug. Then she turned to Becky. “What time are you meeting Cyril?”

“About eleven,” replied Becky.

Daddy Bug looked at his wristwatch. “By gove. It’s half past ten now.”

“I’ve got half an hour. I can wait a few more minutes.”

“Maybe you should go early. So as not to disappoint him,” said Mummy Bug.

“No Mummy. Being late is fashionable. And they say ‘treat them mean, keep them keen’ don’t they?” “I suppose so, Becky,” replied Daddy Bug.

“But you shouldn’t tease young males. You may end up with no boyfriend and no one after you in the end. You don’t want that do you, Becky?”

Mummy Bug gave Daddy Bug a cold look.

“No. I suppose not. All right. I’ll go now.”  “Have fun,” said Mummy Bug.

“I will,” said Becky. She left the house in the cesspit then walked toward the farm.

Fifteen minutes later, Becky arrived outside the farm gate. She decided to wait for Cyril there.

Ten minutes later, Becky saw a spider crawl along the path. “Cyril?” asked Becky.

The spider waved, but as it approached

Becky, she got a shock. “You’re not Cyril.” “No. Cyril said he couldn’t make it.” “Who are you?” asked Becky.

“I’m Cedric. A friend of Cyril.”

“What happened to Cyril?”

“Cyril decided to go out with Natalie Nat.” “Why that two timing arachnid,” said Becky. “It’s alright. He means well. He wants me to tell you what he meant when he says you need more fibre.”

“I’m not sure I care.”

“I’m sure he’ll make it up to you,” said Cedric. “Oh alright. What do we do now?” asked Becky.

“Follow me,” said Cedric.

Ten minutes later they were playing in some white fleece.

A non-furred animal said “Bah” as he was pushed aside by the farmer who then pulled the next creature to him.

“What a great idea of Cyril’s, jumping into this,” said Becky. “Don’t you think so, Cedric?” Becky got no reply.

Then a few seconds later Becky heard, “Hello


“Oh. Cyril,” said Becky. “I thought you couldn’t come.”

“Of course I could,” said Cyril the Spider. “I wouldn’t miss a dinner date with a Bug as pretty as you, would I?”

“Cyril. You’re so sweet.”

“Tell you what, Becky. We can’t eat it, but it’s fun,” said Cyril.

“You can’t, but I can eat anything. So your time with Natalie Nat was short lived,” said Becky.

“It never existed, Becky. My number one bug is you,” said Cyril.

“Aahh,” said Becky.

“I can bounce and you can eat. What better way,” said Cyril.

“I agree. You really are a super spider,” said Becky.