Lila´s House. A Male Brothel in Downtown San José, Costa Rica


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Pages: 196

Published: 13 years ago

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Book Description

Jacobo Schifter spent months conducting interviews inside a house of male prostitution in San Jose, Costa Rica to research this book. The result is a fascinating and consciousness-raising report, not only about male protitution, but about the Latin American sexual discourse in general--attitudes towards homosexuality (all of the prostitutes claim that they\'re straight and many seem to fear homosexuality), realtions between the sexes, awareness and practice of AIDS and safe sex, etc. Some of the interviews are reprinted in their entirety. The owner of the brothel, Lila, has a story worthy of a book itself. The most informed and interesting book on Costa Rican culture I have read.\r\n

Reader Reviews
  • User image   mario
    04 Jul 2014
    it's just a promotional ebook for his programs.
  • User image   Subba Rao Bhagavatula
    09 Oct 2013
    A good book that introduces you to the important areas of human brain and their functions. Amygdala and frontal cortex and how they work. A good reading for psychology students.
  • User image   Alison Buchanan
    03 Oct 2011
    useful and straight forward. am trying to reference it though and no date apparent!
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Jacobo Schifter

The author has a PhD in History from Columbia University, New York. He has written more than 20 books on US relations with Central America, the Jewish Community in the region, and on sexual minorities. Many of these books have been published in the States. Among these are Lila's House, A Study on Male Prostitution in Latin America, The Sexual Construction of Latino Youth, Macho Love. A Study of Sex in Prison and many others. The author currently works at UPEACE, teaching courses on Gender and Genocide.

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