Rape and Related Issues by Bassam Imam - HTML preview

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-If you don't notify the police of a rape or an attempted rape the assailant may strike again, seeking another potential victim. This kind of behaviour tends to be recidivist in nature.

TEN WOMEN WHO SUCCESSFULLY FOUGHT BACK AGAINST THEIR ATTACKERS: PRISCRILLA DANG: In 2012, 23 year-old Kung Fu expert Priscilla Dang was jogging in Vancouver, Washington. She was attacked by 2 male teens; she taught them a painful lesson. She was threatened with a knife. No problem, she walked away unharmed. The 16 year- old teen apologized to Priscilla, the 18 year-old was arrested by police. nI think they knew they messed with the wrong girl." (Kirotv.com, June 26, 2012; Woman with Kung Fu Background Fights off Attackers)

ERICA HAMMERMEISTER: In 1983 serial rapist Larry Takahashi attacked Erica Hammermeister. Although she didn't physically defeat the serial rapist, she screamed her head off during the attack, thereby alerting the police to what was going on behind closed doors. Unfortunately, Erica screamed so hard it caused a miscarriage for both of her twins. Takahashi couldn't have cared less that his target was pregnant.

Takahashi is in a British Columbia prison where hopefully, he will rot therein for the rest of his natural life. nI always told myself from the day he Larry Takahashi was sentenced I would do whatever it takes to try keep him behind bars." (By Gary Poignant, August 26, 2013; Edmonton Sun: Victim of Serial Rapist Larry Takahashi Turned the Table on Her Attacker)

DORRET BARRET-LACHTMAN, EX-POLICEWOMAN: At the time of the attack Barret-Lachtman was Deputy Superintendant of Police. The attacker was a man she'd known for 10 years. Taking her usual morning walk near her home in Jamaica she was roughly grasped by a man.

Barret-Lachtman believed that the attacker had planned to rape and to kill her so she wouldn't be able to later identify him. Luckily she was carrying a pair of dumbbells. She did what she felt was necessary for survival, hitting her attacker until help arrived.

 "His the attacker's whole intent must have been to rape and kill, because I cannot see for the life of me, for somebody who has known me and whom I have known over the years, what would be his whole purpose in just raping and leaving me, knowing full well that I know him? He would have been hunted down and found. So his whole intent must have been to rape and then kill me ... Whatever it is that passed through his mind that morning why he came over and attacked me, I am sure, he will not ever have those kind of feelings or urges for any woman again, unless him fool, fool bad! And I am almost sure that no other man will approach me in that manner again." (By Andrea Downer, May 15, 2007; Jamaica Gleaner: No Way, No How Female Cop Turns Table on Rapist)

NANCY FLYNN: On December 3, 2012, a 71 year-old woman from Odessa, Missouri was attacked and robbed in her own garage. Using her brains first, she threw some cash on the ground. At the right moment, Nancy kicked her attacker/robber in the groin. During his recovery she managed to get a can of mace and a baseball bat wherein she began her counter-offensive beating him with the baseball bat. He didn't harm Flynn, but he was able to take off with 83 dollars.

AMANDA RUSSO: 26 year-old Boca Raton, Florida resident was encountered by 50 year-old Daryl Dewitt Lewis as she was leaving a drugstore. He held a shank to her throat and told her exactly what to do. Amanda rejected his instructions (part of which was to get into his car), opting to fiercely fight back. During the scuffle  perpetrator   cut  Amanda's  neck  several  times. Fortunately, she was able to kick him hard enough in the groin causing him to run away. Shortly afterward, he was soon apprehended by police, and was later identified as the attacker by Amanda and other witnesses. The perpetrator told Amanda, "Everyone keeps denying me and I need to get home. If you Amanda do what I tell you you'll live to see tomorrow." (By Adam Sacasa, January 28, 2014; Sun Sentinel:  Woman Being Attacked Fights off Man Trying to Get in Her Car)

WHITNEY KROPP: A Hogemaw High School homecoming prank in West Branch, Michigan orchestrated to humiliate 16 year-old Whitney turned into an opportunity  for her to stand up to her tormentors, resulting in an international anti-bullying lesson. The prank went so far as to vote for her on the homecoming court. Whitney went from a state of alleviation and delight, to a state gloom and melancholy as soon as she found out her nomination was made because of her utter unpopularity.

 The citizens of West Branch marshalled  to Whitney's defence. "I think this will make a difference to students who are being bullied ... People need to pay attention to this," said Whitney in a You-tube video.

"There's definitely a different mood ... People came here together to support her Whitney Kropp," said 61 year-old John

Young. (By Ann Zaniewski, September 29, 2012; Detroit Free Press: Bullied West Branch Teen Sparkles at Homecoming)

"We support her ... To us, you are homecoming queen," said 13 year-old Molly Mackey of Cadillac, Michigan. (ibid)

MARY JANE JARMAN: Jogging on New York's Hudson River Greenway with her 8 month-old son in his stroller, Mary Jane was suddenly confronted by a man wielding a broken beer bottle. Naturally, she ran for her life and her baby's. The assailant had somehow caught up to her then he tackled her to the ground. The ensuing fighting caused the baby stroller to be jolted, resulting in her baby's falling onto the pavement. He tried to pull her away from the trail, but couldn't because Mary Jane used whatever means she could to fight back, ferociously.

Mary Jane grabbed a bicycle pump that was in the stroller. She then struck the assailant on the head. He fled the scene, bloodied and sore.

"I was protecting [my baby] with my life," said Mary Jane Jarman. (By Kate Seamons, September 27, 2013 Newser: NYC Mom Fight off Park Attacker with Bike Pump)

The attacker had allegedly said "I'm really sorry, I'm sick," while trying to pull her of the trail. (ibid)

CHARITY: On January 12, 2014 in a park in Harris County 22 year- old Charity was seated park bench, minding her own