Rape and Related Issues by Bassam Imam - HTML preview

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 Four men buried Aisha into the hole then filled the hole up to her neck. 50 men began to stone her. About 10 minutes later, 2 nurses were called in to see if Aisha was still alive. She was alive, and as such was promptly put back into the hole where the stoning resumed.

"She hadn't even reached the age of marriage," said Aisha's father. (ibid)

Fayhan Al-Ghamdi, a popular Saudi preacher who regularly appears on television, was accused of raping and torturing his 5 year-old daughter to death was released from custody after agreeing to pay the victim's mother blood money. He only spent a few months in jail. It was the judge's ruling.

As reported by Albawaba News, the judge said, "Blood money and the time the defendant had served in prison since Lama's death suffices as punishment."

Lama, his daughter, suffered horrible injuries including a crushed skull, broken back and ribs, a broken left arm, and much bruising and burns. According to social workers, Lama had been raped and burned at other times.

Fayhan Al-Ghamdi admitted to having used a cane and cables to attack his daughter, citing doubts about her virginity even though he'd the only person who ever defiled her in that manner. Although there was public anger at the judgement, the Saudi Authorities likely couldn't have cared less.

A 20 year-old woman said that she was gang-raped by order of a village council because she fell in love with a man from a different ethnic group.

A dozen suspects and the head of the accused council were arrested for the rape that occurred on Monday January 20, 2014.

The victim informed police that she lost count of how many men had raped her (understandably so). She was hospitalized and in serious condition, on Thursday, which was days after the attack.

The victim's lover visited her village in Subalpur, India on that Monday to formally propose to her. Villagers tied the woman and her lover to a tree. Meanwhile, the village council decided on their judgement.

The village council ruled that each of the 2 parties had to pay 25,000 rupees ($400). The man's family was able to pay the Jfine' the woman's family was too poor to do so. According to the police, the inability of her family to pay the fine resulted in the village council's ordering of the gang-rape. (The Associated Press, January 23, 2014)

Subsequent to a federal lawsuit filed by a former prison clerk the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office blamed a former prison clerk for her own rape.

 At the time of the rape, committed in 2013 a 24 year-old typist was working  at the state prison at Rock view in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania.

Omar Best, the rapist, choked the victim until she was unconscious, and proceeded to rape her for more than 25 minutes. Best had at least 3 prior sex-related crimes on his record. He was transferred from another prison because he had assaulted a female assistant.

According to the lawsuit, in spite of Best's previous record, he was still allowed to have unsupervised access to the offices of female employees.

The lawsuit further states, "There were no locked doors between the offices and cell blocks, including Block C where the rape victim worked, except for the copy room."

"Its victim shaming at its worst," victim's lawyer told CNN. (By Sara Ganim, September 25, 2014; CNN: Pennsylvania Woman Blamed for Her Own Rape in State Response to Lawsuit) On a positive note, Best is serving a life sentence for the rape.


By far most of the victims in the porn industry are females, but males, especially in homosexual porn can be raped too.

One of the most powerful forces in this world that sexualizes women is pornography. Even so-called filtered email accounts will likely receive unwarranted porn advertisements, often used through Jtrick' or Junderhanded' fashion. Written on the subject line may be unrelated words, in order to entice the target to open the page. Subject lines may also contain direct graphic words. If a person inadvertently opens the page, even the JClick Here to Unsubscribe' link is often a trick. It'll get you onto a porn page or site. Furthermore, the person may be placed on a list of recipients for other sites.

Straight porn usually objectifies and dehumanizes women. One woman can be with one man, or 2 or a group of men. For people who want rough stuff, it's called rough sex, easy to type in any search engine; other words can be used for other porn types.

The richer more successful female porn stars enjoy making big salaries many think that they're real celebrities, on equal footing with Hollywood Stars.

Deep down inside at least some of the Jbig porn stars' know very well that they've given up their dignity and self-respect.

Their precious bodies have been violated and anyone who sees their movies, shows, or photos can see them in the nude.

 Strippers are in a similar boat. But if they perform sex it's in private.

Pornography, unless it's non-heterosexual is the sexual graphic imagery of men and women, but it is the man who ejaculates. Only in the dominatrix-type porn women dominate men or other women. As always, a significant majority of viewers are males.

In this industry there's more pressure on women to be lean and beautiful than on males. That's not to say that all female porn stars are beautiful. Specialty porn can contain obese or chunky women. But still, a man can be visibly overweight and not very good looking.

In the recent past hardcore porn was almost exclusively found in adult bookstores, adult movie theatres, or mail order. There was once a time when Playboy and Penthouse were the major porn magazines viewed.

Today, the internet has caused a major explosion in porn production. Hard-core, kinky, bisexual, tri-sexual