Rape and Related Issues by Bassam Imam - HTML preview

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BESTIALITY: A sexual act between a human and an animal. Although penetration is not necessary, the behaviour and the intent are of a sexual nature.

ZOOPHILIA: A human who is sexually aroused by an animal or animals.

Alexander Kirilov, 44, was drunk, with his friends, and in the mood for some playful sex. Well, there was a raccoon roaming around nearby, so he tried to rape it but had his penis pulverized instead.

"When I saw the raccoon I thought I'd have some fun, said Kirilov." (February 9, 2009, Leon Watson; the Sun: Toothy Raccoon Bit off Manhood)

Russian surgeons told Kirilov they could recover the function of what remained of his penis, but what was bitten off couldn't be re-attached.

A Kumasi, Ghana Circuit Court sentenced Kwaku Amable, a 36 year-old married carpenter with 2 children, to 3 years of imprisonment for having sexual intercourse with 7 sheep. Unfortunately, several of the sheep had died from the unnatural trauma. The final act occurred at around midnight on March 25, 2011. The complainant, who is the owner of the sheep and of the property, discovered Amable hiding behind the pen with his penis dangling. (TalkAfrique: A Married Ghana Man Sentenced to Jail for Having Sex with Sheep, March 31, 2011)

Paula Mangan, 42, a British grandmother with 2 daughters and one grandchild, who was photographed having sex with her Rottweiler-chow cross dog was convicted of Bestiality. The photograph was taken by Lee McCall her 41 year-old boyfriend.

Police discovered a CD containing 33 repulsive images during a raid on the suspect's home in Huyton, due to suspicions that McCall was an arson and voyeur. In addition police discovered 61 lewd pictures of children.

Mandan confessed to having sex with her dog at Liverpool Crown Court. Judge Robert Warnock commanded a 2-year community order with supervision. But according to a neighbour, Mangan and McCall still own the dog.

"I am satisfied you now realize this sort of behaviour is wholly and totally unacceptable," said Judged Robert Warnock.

(Metrowebukmetro, February 16, 2011; METRO NEWS: Granny caught having sex with pet Rottweiler spared jail) 43 year-old Texas resident day labourer Cirili Castillo has very strong feelings for Nadia, a horse. Sheriff's deputies arrested Castillo for having sex with the Nadia a second time. But police believe Castillo has had sex with Nadia multiple times.

A security camera had been installed in the corral, resulting from Castillo's previous endeavours therein.

Speaking to the Chronicle, Sheriff Lupe Trevino said, "We have a hell of a surveillance tape it is not going to go to, JAmerica's Funniest Videos' Maybe we can get him some help.

Whatever we can do, we are going to try and do the guy is practically harmless, except for the horse I can't just ignore this and allow it to keep happening." (By Eric Owens, July 5, 2013; THE DAILY CALLER: After Having Sex with the Same Horse Again, Man Pleads Guilty)

In an opposing direction, an Indonesian maid was raped by an orang-utan. Thankfully, this is quite a rare occurrence. In the wild, primates, including orang-utans are usually shy or fearful of humans. The danger occurs when they live amongst humans, wherein, they discover how incredibly strong they are relative to us weaklings. They can scent a woman who's having her menstrual cycle.

-LESBIAN RAPE: Lesbian couples aren't immune from rape and violence. The statistics pertaining to violence in domestic settings is 25 to 35 percent; it's the same for lesbian couples. Lesbian domestic violence cuts across all racial, economic and social strata.

Like their heterosexual counterparts in relationships, one lesbian partner is usually the dominant one the other is passive. This ensures a relationship where one of the partners is emotionally and oftentimes economically more powerful than her partner. But with lesbian couples, physical strength and size doesn't guarantee  safety. Many lesbian  abusers are physically smaller and weaker than their partners. Power is a trust, regardless of whether we're referring to  relationship, work or other situation.

In abusive lesbian relationships one partner tries to gain or maintain control of the other partner through abuse and/or intimidation; physical, emotional and/or sexual. Economic coercion, and ownership or the deed of the property, are also powerful tool of control. The abuse cycle follows this path, escalation or tension building, abuse and then resolution or the, I love you stage.

 Violence in lesbian relationships is a serious issue in the lesbian community. Women are able to strike and harm other women; they can get really nasty with each other. Have you ever seen two women fighting? No wonder it's called a cat fight.

Some lesbian relationships include 2 violent, aggressive persons, nevertheless, one partner is usually has a slight upper hand. The victim's body doesn't know the difference between a male or a female abuser, only the amount of pain and damage inflicted.

A woman who hasn't Jcome out' may be apprehensive about calling the police. Keeping her relationship a secret may be more important to her than calling the police. The fear of being ridiculed or fully exposed may be enough to keep the victim quiet,  often-times   the  offending  partner  knows  this. Furthermore, social services are almost always geared towards helping female victims of rape, with the assumption that the offender is a male.

Some women get into lesbian relationships believing that it's safer to be with another woman than it is to be with a man. In this case scenario the victim is caught off guard.

Abusers in lesbian relationships have learned to be aggressive in dealing with frustrations.  Victims may have learned to seek out aggressive woman as partners. The level of harm done to a victim can be equal to the harm done in a heterosexual relationship.


-She can pin her down, or restrain her and then force her partner to do what she orders her to do.

-She can use a dildo or other Jsurrogate penis' to punish or violate her partner.

-She can force her partner to touch her wherever she wants to be touched.

-She can touch her partner wherever she wants to.

-She can force her partner to perform oral sex.

-She can perform oral sex on her partner by