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Learn rules of subreddit

Each subreddit has its own set of rules that everyone needs to follow. Each subreddit will have its own mods or moderators who make sure everyone stays in line and follows the rules.

It can get quite confusing if you’re new to Reddit so if you don’t want to get banned, you have to read up on the rules first.

If you want to build a good reputation in the community, you need to understand how the subreddit works and get the lay of the land, so to speak. Each subreddit has its own culture, and you’ll find no shortage of Redditors willing to lend a hand if you need it.

Check the most popular posts and find out why people loved it. Try to come up with similar high-value posts to get the ball rolling on your Reddit reputation.

Solve people’s problems and offer your solution

People go on Reddit for a variety of reasons. Some go to ask for help, some just want to be entertained for a few minutes, while some are there to offer genuine help.

If you want to establish your brand as a credible and trustworthy brand, you may want to consider looking for people’s problems and then offering the solution to those problems.

For instance, if you’re in the business of helping people find jobs, then check out the relevant subreddits and go through the posts where people are asking for help to find good jobs.

If you’ve got a car wash business, perhaps you can offer some suggestions or tips on the best ways to wash cars without spending too much or wasting too much time.

Don’t be too salesy – always try to give value above all else

Just like the examples I mentioned above, you want to provide solutions to people’s pain points. But when you give your solutions, you don’t want to come off as too aggressive or too salesy.

Redditors have a reputation for hating on self-promoting users, so you be careful you don’t become a persona non grata on the platform. Of course, you can easily create a new account when you get banned, but that’s beside the point as it would mean you’d need to start all over again.

The main takeaway here is that you must always give value to the community. Even if you’re promoting your brand, service or product, you still need to put the community above yourself.

With every post and with every comment, check to see if the community will benefit from it before you hit the post button!

Build a good reputation on the platform and reap positive karma

There are two types of karma on Reddit – post karma and comment karma.

Both these types reflect the quality of your Reddit account. The higher the karma numbers, the more trusted and the more respected your account.

The best way to get karma is to participate in the community.

You get post karma for every upvote you receive from your posts so make sure your posts really add value to the subreddit. You get comment karma from upvotes you receive from your comments.

Usually, it’s the witty comments that get plenty of upvotes so consider this when you start posting and commenting. Again, it’s best to know the subreddit’s culture before you get started so you don’t stick out like a sore thumb!

Promote discounts and deals in the right subreddits (r/deals)

If you’ve got a great promotion going on and you think Redditors can benefit from it, then you can head on over to the deals subreddit (r/deals) or any other relevant subreddit for your brand.

Note, however, that the deals subreddit has a bunch of strict rules you need to follow so make sure you check out the sidebar if you don’t want to get into trouble later.

You can also promote your deals and offers in other subreddits, for example, local subreddits like your city or state subreddits, if available. You just need to make sure you don’t go against any of the community’s rules.

Depending on the subreddit, you should maybe try to tone down your sales pitch and present first the benefits people will get from buying or subscribing to your service.

Post on r/AMA or r/IAmA

AMA means Ask Me Anything while IAmA means I Am A… Ask Me Anything. These two subreddits are similar with the main difference being r/AMA having a smaller community.

If you’ve got an interesting story to share with your readers, you can share it on these subreddits. But before you go thinking about your story, check out what past posters did… how they titled their AMAs. What made people pay attention to it.

Then think about how you can do the same. Think about something really interesting that you think will help others learn from your experience.

If you want to talk about building a business from scratch, you can do that.

But try to put a unique spin on your story so that people would want to engage with you and ask you questions.

Be genuine. Don’t try to come up with some fake story because if there’s one thing many Redditors are good at, it’s that they are excellent researchers. There’s even a subreddit dedicated exclusively to people who B.S. on Reddit called r/quityourbullshit.

Run a contest on a relevant subreddit

Contents aren’t just popular on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. It’s also popular on Reddit. You just need to make sure you post your content on a relevant subreddit. Otherwise, you’re going to get a bunch of upset Redditors showing up in your inbox!

For starters, you can try posting on r/contests. Be sure to read the sidebar for their do’s and don’ts of posting contests.

You can also try giving away freebies to introduce your brand to people.

This is a great way to get feedback and reviews from people. Check out

r/freebies for physical items and r/efreebies if you’re giving away digital items.

Are You Ready To Start Using Reddit To Drive Traffic To

Your Website?

Learning how to use Reddit to help your business grow and drive traffic to your website will take some time. The platform is not like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube where promoting something is quite straightforward.

With thousands of subreddits to choose from, you’re going to have your work cut out for you. However, once you know your way around the platform, it’s easy to make out which subreddits are going to help your cause and which are going to harm you.

Just remember to always give value to the community first, and you’ll reap the rewards later!

Chapter 7: Quora Traffic Rush

If you own a business, you should be promoting it anywhere you can. One of the top places you can promote and post your website link is by using Quora (, the web’s top question, and answer website.

Just a few years ago, Yahoo Answers was the top Q&A website on the planet. But all that’s changed. There’s now a lot of Q&A sites, and Quora is leading the pack.

On Quora, you can follow any topic you want. You can pretty much ask any question you want, and someone will answer, sooner or later. If you don’t get a response in say 24 hours, you can request some Quora users to check out your question and ask them to answer it.

As a business owner, you can either do the asking or the answering though your first instinct may be to answer all relevant questions that come your way and insert your link somewhere!

In a nutshell, there’s plenty of traffic potential for your business if you invest some time into building a good Quora profile. Continue reading this guide to find out how you can make the most of your time on Quora and bring tons of people over to your website.

Why Your Business Should Be On Quora

If your business isn’t on Quora yet, you’re missing a lot of potential traffic from both Quora users and search engine traffic alike. Read on the reasons below to find out why you should sign up for a Quora account right away!

Quora has massive traffic with over 100 million visitors per month

Quora is the 125th most visited site in the world and 59th in the United States. These are not numbers to be scoffed at. With over 190 million unique visitors per month, imagine how much traffic your website will get if you even get a small percentage of Quora traffic to click on through to your site!

By establishing your brand as being credible and trustworthy, you’ll be able to siphon off a good amount of Quora traffic to your site. Just remember to add your website links to your profile information and of course, your Quora answers!

Many Quora posts rank high on Google search results

Quora has excellent domain authority. You may have noticed that whenever you search Google for something, you’ll often see Quora at the top or near the top of search results pages. That’s because Quora questions are often long-tail keywords that not a lot of websites are writing or publishing content on!

When you click on those Quora articles, you’ll notice that the answers are usually in long form. Many authors write hundreds or even thousands of

words to answer people’s questions. These are the kinds of posts that make it to the top of Google.

If you want to get traffic the same way, then you’re going to have to start thinking of setting aside some time each day giving detailed answers on Quora.

Quora can be a major source of evergreen traffic

If you answer evergreen questions, then your answers will tend to be evergreen as well. This basically means information that’s not going to be seasonal. Your answers today will still stand true months or years after you publish it!

If you post evergreen answers on Quora, then chances are you’ll get traffic to your website months or years after you first post your answer!

Establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry

When you use Quora in conjunction with your other content marketing activities - such as publishing on your own blog, guest posting on high authority sites, and having an active social media presence – then you can easily establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

Being a thought leader means people will look up to you. People will find you more credible, someone who walks the talk, so to speak. You’ll have people follow you on different platforms, they’ll subscribe to your mailing list.

In short, they’ll become your fans who will help get the word out about your brand and how you’ve helped them in one way or another.

How To Use Quora To Drive Traffic To Your Website?

Now, that you know just how important Quora is to your brand’s content marketing strategy, it’s time to show you how you can use this powerful platform to drive massive traffic to your website.

Make the most of your Quora profile

When you answer questions on Quora, your profile is one of the first things people will see. They’ll see your name, profile photo, and your tagline. Add your credentials to your profile and add your website’s link to your tagline as well.

Make sure your tagline corresponds well to the type of questions you plan on answering on Quora. If you’re going to be answering questions about Internet Marketing or Entrepreneurship, then put something relevant on your tagline.

For instance, you can add “Blogger | Entrepreneur | CEO at” Feel free to get witty and creative. Try to let your fun side show through.

Another awesome Quora feature is that you can use different taglines for each category so you can make it as relevant and as interesting as possible to the people who are looking for answers in that category.

Going by the previous example, if you’re answering questions in the Pets category, then you should consider using a more relevant tagline, for instance, “Dad to 3 poodles and 1 kitten.”

To sum up this point, you need to make the most of your profile to make people curious about what it is you do and why they should believe your answers.

Answer questions about your niche or even your brand

Q & A sites exist to provide solutions to people’s problems. On Quora, the best way to get the word out about your brand is by answering questions. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got the wittiest tagline or bio on Quora if you don’t answer questions. No one’s going to know you even have a Quora account.

When answering questions, make sure you do it with the ultimate aim of helping others. Don’t do it just for the sake of putting your brand and your website link out there.

If you answer questions like this, then you’re going to get downvoted and eventually your answer is going to get collapsed and you’ll get little to zero traffic!

Just like any other social community, you’ve got to put others before you.

Only when you provide value will you come face to face with the power of Quora. You’ll get upvotes which will basically push your answer to the top and will allow you to get more views on your answer!

Write answers to questions in categories you’re an expert in or at least are passionate about. If someone’s got a question you know the answer to, then, by all means, do your best to answer it in the most informative way possible.

Don’t be sarcastic. Don’t be condescending. You should genuinely want to help. That’s how you’ll succeed in Quora.

Another important point as well is not to get hung up on the number of people following you on the platform. Having followers on Quora is not the same as having followers on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram where your content mostly appears on your followers’ feeds.

People who are researching answers to questions will find you on Quora whether they follow you or not. And if you provide plenty of value in your answers, then you’ll get new followers whether you like it or not (though I’m sure you will!).

Give value to the community and do your best to answer questions in-