Social Traffic Rush by Dominik WItan - HTML preview

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Answer popular questions

Adding your two cents to a popular question will help put your brand in front of many new people. Check out how many people are following a question.

If there’s a good number of people, take the time to scan through other people’s answers especially the most popular ones. Then see how you can replicate their success.

If they’re giving 10 wonderful and practical tips, then try to top it off with 15

or even 20. Give more than what other authors are giving. Go the extra mile if you can.

You can even acknowledge and tag the people with the top answers. This helps you get on their radar, and if you both answer questions in the same industry, then it’s highly likely you’ll bump into each other on other questions, too.

Also, if you’re answering a question with plenty of followers, you may want to make your answer start off with something intriguing or controversial.

Something that will make that question’s followers curious enough to want to read your entire answer when they receive a notification that a new answer’s been posted to the question they’re following.

You can start your own blog on Quora

Aside from answering questions in your favorite niches, you can also start a blog on Quora to gain more exposure on the platform. You can write short or long-form blog posts and then link to it from your Quora answers.

For best results, link to your website on both your Quora blog and Quora answers to make it easy for people to find you.

Make it a habit to answer questions and help people

One of the fastest ways to get your name in front of as many people as possible is by spending some time each day or week on Quora. Make it a habit. Try to think of it as lending a helping hand on a daily or weekly basis.

You may want to work it into your calendar. You can even schedule the topics you’d like to cover for certain days of the month. For instance, on Monday you’re going to answer questions in the Entrepreneur category, on Tuesday, you’re going to answer questions from budding Internet Marketers, and so on.

You may not see the results immediately, but over time you’ll get rewarded for your time, not just in terms of traffic from Quora but from search engines too!

Are You Ready To Start Answering Questions On Quora To Drive Traffic To Your Website?

The most active and prolific writers on Quora have more than a million or even two million answer views in a year. That’s hundreds of thousands of views in a month!

You can probably replicate the same number of views on your own self-hosted blog, but it’s going to take you several months, if not years, to achieve it. And that’s not taking into account the off-page SEO activities you need to do to have your site rank high up on search engines!

With Quora, you’ve got a ready-made audience waiting to read your awesome answers. You’ve got a platform that search engines love. You really have nothing to lose – and everything to gain – when you market your brand on Quora!

Chapter 8: Pinterest Traffic Rush

Pinterest ( is one of the most popular image-sharing social networking sites nowadays. If you don’t know what it is, well, you’re in for a surprise. It’s the 79th most visited site in the world according to Alexa (

People don’t use Pinterest in the same way they use Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. The platform helps people who are looking for inspiration and ideas by letting them create ‘boards’ for any category they want. To date, there are over 1 billion boards with over 100 billion pins on the platform!

For instance, people can create a board for what their dream kitchen would look like, what their dream ideal wedding reception set up would look like, and so on.

Users can pin images from websites by installing a browser extension (more on this later) or by re-pinning from other people’s boards.

At this point, you may be thinking that Pinterest will only work for more visual niches. But what about if you’re in a more ‘serious’ kind of business?

One that doesn’t depend on taking high-quality photos of your products to make sales?

Well, you can still crush Pinterest. You just need to think outside the box.

Even if your business is not in a visual industry, there’s still quite a number of ways you can use Pinterest to your advantage.

Why Your Business Should Consider Being On Pinterest If your business is not on Pinterest, you could potentially be leaving a lot of money on the table. Read on to find out why you should seriously consider this platform to market your brand.

Over 200 million people use Pinterest every month

Pinterest is commonly known as a female-dominated platform, but this may no longer be the case in the near future as more men realize the power of Pinterest.

According to Pinterest itself, 50% of new account sign-ups are from males.

For now, however, women still rule the platform with 70% of pinners or users being females, with only a third being males.

But still, don’t let that number deter you if you mostly target the male demographic. If more than 200 million people access the platform each month, that still translates to millions of male users!

With that said, whether you target a mostly male or a mostly female audience, Pinterest may be a great social platform for your business if you can capture even just a small percentage of the audience.

Pinterest users are highly engaged and ready to buy

Pinterest users are one of the most highly engaged audiences on social media. According to various reputable sources including Pinterest itself, more than half of pinners have made a purchase after seeing a promoted pin.

People often create boards to plan out what they want to buy. For example, they’ll create a board for their dream bedroom. They’ll pin and re-pin images of stuff they want to buy for their bedroom.

What kind of wallpaper they plan to use, what kind of curtains, bed sheets, that sort of thing. Basically, anything that people can think of!

Pinterest reduces the steps in the sales cycle and increases