Social Traffic Rush by Dominik WItan - HTML preview

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In this section, you’re going to learn some of the top methods Pinterest marketers use to drive highly targeted traffic to their website.

Make it easy for people to pin images from your site

You can install the Pinterest Save button on your website. This lets your site visitors pin your images to their Pinterest boards which in turn will drive traffic from Pinterest back to your website.

You can choose to have the Save button appear by default or have it appear when someone hovers their mouse on your images.

Once you’ve installed the button, you can then use Pinterest Analytics to see how many impressions and clicks you’ve received on your site!

Alternatively, if you’re on a self-hosted WordPress site, you can easily install a free plugin like AccessPress

( which will give you a few more options over the default Pinterest button.

Pin images from your site and re-pin from other people’s boards

Before you start announcing you’re on Pinterest to your social media followers, you should be proactive in pinning images from your site and posting it to relevant boards.

You don’t want them scratching their heads wondering why you’re inviting them over to check you out on Pinterest when you don’t even have any boards or pins in your account yet.

Most experts suggest creating one board per category on your website to make it focused and specific. This makes it easy for people interested in a category to scan other relevant images on your board which could lead to more re-pins and more visits to your website.

Make your images stand out from the crowd

The key to succeeding in Pinterest is using high-quality images that make your audience go ooh and aah. When you’re competing against hundreds or thousands of pins for a specific keyword, then you need to make sure you pin only images that can make people stop scrolling down their screens.

You want images that grab people’s attention. Images that quite literally invite people to take a closer look and click on the pin so they can view a larger version.

If you pin only so-so quality images, then you’re probably not going to get much traffic back to your website. Not even if you do your best to promote it using paid adverts on and off the platform.

Add the right website link to your pins and write a brief description

Every pin includes a link and a description. Make the most of these two.

When people click on a link, you want them to go directly to the product’s landing page. You don’t want to link all your images to your homepage because that would leave people disoriented.

For example, if they clicked on a pinned image depicting a nice jacket they want to buy, you want them to land on that jacket’s landing page on your website. You don’t want them to land on your site’s homepage where they may need to click around many times until they find the right jacket!

Also, it’s important you write a brief description of your pin. If you’re targeting keywords, make sure you use it properly. Don’t just keyword-stuff.

Instead, try to provide your audience with the information they’re looking for.

Using the jacket example, you can write a description of the materials used for the jacket, how it feels like when worn, any discount code, etc. Don’t forget to insert your target keyword somewhere in the description.

Use Pinterest’s rich pins

To use rich pins, all you have to do is just claim your website or prove to Pinterest you own your site. You’d need to upload some code to your site.

Don’t worry, Pinterest gives a detailed and step by step guide on how you can do this. The good thing is once you’ve verified your site, you’ll have plenty of advantages over non-verified accounts! These include: 1. Your profile picture will appear on every pin from your site.

2. You’ll be able to see what Pinterest users are pinning from your site.

3. You can choose from four types of rich pins: article, product, recipe and app pins.

4. People will be able to see more information directly on your pins like real-time pricing, availability, and more, depending on the type of pin.

Many marketers have seen a marked increase in their website traffic once they switched over to rich pins, so do consider setting this up as soon as you can!

Showcase the lifestyle your brand promotes

You don’t have to be in a heavily visual niche to succeed on Pinterest. The truth is that many brands are using the platform to show people their behind-the-scenes activities. They pin high-quality images that showcase the kind of lifestyle their brand promotes.

You really just need to think outside the box and think about how your product or service can impact other people’s lives. Don’t just post photos of your products, rather try to show people what your products can do.

Think about how they can improve their lifestyles using your brand and capture that in your pins. Make it easy for people to relate to your brand by pinning images that speak to your target audience directly.