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Connect with your customers

Twitter helps put a face on your brand or company by letting you engage with your customers and followers one on one. When people mention you

in their tweets by adding your Twitter handle (@username), you’ll have the opportunity to reply to their tweets directly.

If you’ve got happy customers mentioning you in their tweets, then that’s great! However, if you’ve got unhappy clients, then Twitter presents you with the perfect platform to address their concerns.

Since your tweets and mentions appear on your profile, you have the opportunity to show the world just how awesome your customer service is!

Reply in a timely manner and do your best to present your company in a positive light within the 280-character limit!

Of course, you’re not limited to sending one tweet a day so take your time to craft a great response that will help you win even more customers.

Additionally, Twitter is an excellent communication tool for keeping your clients and customers up to date with what’s happening with your business.

If you’re working on a very special project that will benefit your customers, make sure you mention that in a tweet.

If you’ve got a promotion going on in your store, send out a tweet.

Remember, it only takes a few seconds to type out your message, and you’re not paying for it, so might as well take advantage!

Twitter can help you get more leads and sales

Building a strong following on Twitter isn’t going to happen overnight. But when that day finally happens, when you’ve finally established a solid reputation on the platform, then you can easily get more leads and sales for your business.

As with other marketing platforms, you’ve got to give plenty of value for free first before you ask for anything in return. Establish your brand as an authority in your niche or industry by providing value to your community.

Don’t be overly promotional – in fact, try to avoid promoting yourself or your business in the early stages of your Twitter account. Once you’ve established a solid profile, only then should you start promoting your business.

At this stage, people will be more willing to listen to your recommendations and suggestions. If you position your product or your service as something that can help them with their pain points, then you’ll be able to generate those coveted leads and sales for your business!

How To Use Twitter To Drive Traffic To Your Website

If you want to use Twitter as a traffic source, you’re going to have to do more than just sign up for an account and start tweeting links to your blog posts. In this section, you’re going to learn exactly how you can use Twitter to drive traffic back to your website.

Have a clear strategy in place

Just because tweeting only takes a minute or so of your time doesn’t mean you can just tweet whenever you want without having a solid strategy in place.

Of course, you’re free to do whatever you wish, but if you want to grow your business, then outlining your goals and your overall social media strategy should be your first step.

I’m saying ‘overall social media strategy’ because Twitter should be just one platform your business should have a presence in. Don’t go signing up for every single social media network there is though.

Just select the top 3 or 4 platforms that are relevant to your brand and focus on growing your business on these platforms.

Specify your reasons for wanting to be on Twitter. Do you want to drive traffic back to your blog? Do you want to get people to sign up to your mailing list? Do you want them to purchase your products or sign up for your services?

Once you’ve identified your main Twitter goal, outline the specific steps you need to take so you can achieve your goals.

Set up an awesome Twitter profile

Before you set up your Twitter profile, check out your profiles on other social media platforms. Make sure your Twitter profile is going to be consistent with the others. You don’t want people to get confused if they are indeed following the same brand or not!

You can try using the same cover image or the same profile picture. If not, then make sure people can easily identify your brand. Use your company logo and brand colors if you have those. It will help with your branding activities and will make you look more professional and more credible.

For your Twitter name, always use your brand or business name. For your handle (@user), try to go for your brand or business name as well. If it’s no longer available, then use something that people can still identify as you, so

that when they mention you in their tweets, their followers will recognize your brand as well.

Your Twitter bio is limited to 160 characters, so it’s important you make it count. You can either tell people what it is you do, how you can help people, why they should follow you. You can also try including hashtags that are relevant to your business.

Follow and engage with influencers in your niche

If you’re totally new to Twitter, you need someone powerful like a Twitter personality with a huge following to help give your account a boost. You can do this by following and engaging with thought leaders and influencers in your niche.

You want to get your name out there so you should add value to conversations these influencers are participating in. You want them to get curious about you. You want them to think you’re giving away plenty of value.

Retweet their most important tweets, mention them in your own tweets, etc.

all while making sure to include their Twitter handle in your tweets.

Many influencers react positively when quoted and would not hesitate to retweet your message to their followers. This gets their followers curious about you – specifically why you got a retweet or a mention from someone they look up to.

So, they’ll go check out your Twitter profile. If they think you’re worth following, then they’ll click on that follow button!

In short, network and build relationships with the most important people in your industry. You just might be surprised one day you’ll go from a few followers to a few hundred or even thousands!

Give value before promoting your brand, offers or services

You’re not going to get real people to follow you if all you tweet about is yourself, your brand, or your business. People will think they’re not going to benefit anything if they follow you.

So, what you need to do is you need to give out value first. And by value, I mean sharing nuggets of information that people can actually use in their lives or in their own business.

You can try giving away bite-size advice to address people’s pain points.

You can try searching for people’s tweets about their problems.

If you can answer their questions, then try to help them and gain their trust by offering value upfront. Don’t ask them to follow you or buy your product, just give value wherever you can, and you’ll be justly rewarded for your efforts.

When people realize just how helpful you are and how much value you add to your community, then people are going to be following you.

When you’ve amassed a good number of followers, don’t try hard selling to them as people can still hit that unfollow button in a heartbeat. To sum up, you want to give value while selling your product or service to them.

Are You Ready To Start Receiving Targeted Traffic From Twitter?

Building a strong Twitter profile will take some time and some planning. But with hard work, you will soon be rewarded with a community of highly engaged followers on this platform.

Many businesses have found success on Twitter, and if you follow the suggestions I’ve laid out in this guide, then you may soon reap profits like you’ve never seen before!

Chapter 3: YouTube Traffic Rush

YouTube ( is the second most visited website on the entire planet according to Alexa ( right after its parent company, Google.

Google is the world’s biggest search engine, and YouTube is right on its heels with millions of people typing in search queries every single day.

YouTube has more than a billion people logging in to the platform each month, accounting for almost a third of total Internet users.

Videos Will Continue To Dominate Social Media

Many studies have found video marketing to be highly effective. If you’re not producing and uploading videos on YouTube for your business, you’re missing out on a ton of potential traffic!

For your social media marketing efforts to be considered successful, you need to use a variety of visual elements to get people to view and share your content. You can use high-quality images, infographics, and of course, videos.

With the ever-increasing popularity of YouTube, Facebook Live, Snapchat and Instagram Stories, people are using videos to engage with their audience directly.

There are plenty of benefits to watching someone you follow go live on social media – you get to see them in their natural state, you can chat with them in real time, and so much more!

If you’re not yet ready to go live in front of your audience, that’s okay. You can pre-record yourself, edit it and then upload it to YouTube. Your followers are not going to complain especially if you offer a lot of value in your videos.

A simple technique many marketers use is they upload a high-quality cover image to go along with their YouTube videos instead of choosing from one of YouTube’s default video screen captures.

This helps grab people’s attention and encourages them to click through to watch their video! Of course, you’d have to take the time to design some eye-catching cover images, but the results will be more than worth it!

Why YouTube Is A Great Platform For Your Business

There are many reasons why your business should be on YouTube. Here’s a few of them:

Videos make you more real and authentic to your audience

One of the most visited pages on a website is its About page. People simply want to know more about who’s behind a brand or a business.

Sure, you can put up a nice-looking photo of yourself or your team on your About page, but what do you think will happen if you add a video of yourself talking directly to your audience? I’m pretty sure they’d love that!

This is mainly the same reason why funny cat videos and adorable baby videos are so popular on YouTube. It brings out warm and fuzzy feelings in us.

Now, depending on the nature of your business, you may not want to bring out those kinds of feelings in your viewers. Instead, you may want them to trust you and get to know you on a personal level.

Later on, they’ll be more willing to sign up to your mailing list or your services, and purchase your products and follow your recommendations.

Videos make it easy for you to demonstrate and show the world how