The Creator Economy by Warren Dixon - HTML preview

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Chapter 4: Content Ideas

You know what sort of content you want to create and you know where to publish it. You know how to make some money and you know how to stick with it and allow it to find a loyal fol owing.

But what about the actual y content itself? What if you are suffering from writer’s block and you’re not sure what to publish? Sometimes content creators run out of idea, it happens to nearly everyone. If that’s the case, you’re in luck because there are a few time-tested, easy-to-make ideas that are always popular and can keep your followers satisfied and happy.

For example…

How To/Tutorials

This is a great way to attract a large audience. How many times have you needed to do something and you weren’t sure how.

From changing your oil to instal ing a TV mount, there are 43


tutorials for just about everything on the internet. And you can create one of those tutorials.

This is a great way to get easy views but you need to make sure that you are giving accurate information. When you are making a tutorial, no matter what it is about, you need to make it as an easy to follow, step by step guide that anyone wil be able to fol ow, even if they have little-to-no experience with the subject at hand.

Day In The Life

Many people create content that is akin to a diary or journal.

Their work just tel s about the day in the life of them. This is actually a very popular model that many content creators follow.

Of course, you need to make sure you show a lot of personality and fun, unique moments in your “day in the life” digital journal.

This is because you want people to stay engaged and if you’re simply filming yourself talking about your day, you’l lose viewers. Instead, find something unique about your day or show off your personality in a special way.




Now here is an idea that will always be popular and one that you can come back to again and again.

A listicle is a content creator who is, as you guessed it, listing certain things. Sometimes they are listing the best movies of the 1990s or the most stunning moments in sports history.

Whatever it is, a listicle should be informative with serious knowledge and expertise. Additionally, you need to show off your personality here as well. That is because you need to think of yourself as the host of the listicle and you should remain engaging and keep fans connected.

If you’re looking for a chal enge, try to come up with a listicle that you can’t find anywhere else. When you create your idea, run it through Google and see if it’s been covered anywhere else. If you can think of something that really hasn’t been touched upon by another content creator then you’re really in luck.



When you are making listicles, you need to be careful about not using copyrighted material!

A listicle is going to cover things that wil start debate and that’s why they are so great. They wil get people talking and sharing and giving their own opinions. Don’t be afraid to upset people with your views if you are sharing an opinion. However, if you are creating tips about doing something, try to be as informative and insightful and detailed as possible.

The great thing about listicles is that there is always something that can be covered by them. They have been very popular on the internet for years now - and for good reason!


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