By this point, you hopeful y have a good understanding of how to create content, how to find an audience, how to eventual y make money, and how to always have new ideas that you can produce and turn into content.
You would think that maybe that’s it and you are ready to go and start your career as a content creator. The creator economy awaits you, you’re thinking, so it’s time to get out there and get going.
However, there is one more very important step that you simply have to fol ow before you are able to create the sort of career that has many so many other successful. You need to develop a strategy for yourself and your channel, website, blog, Etsy store, etc.
What is a content strategy? Essential y, it is a plan that wil give you a sort of path forward to achieve the sort of success you want. It wil help you come up with ideas, it wil help you find a loyal following, it will hold you accountable. More than anything, 48
it will keep you consistent and will ensure that your fans are happy with the number of creations that you release and the speed that you put them into the world.
The most important thing about any strategy is that you stick with it. You need to remember that life is going to get in the way at times. Your side hustle as a content creator wil not be your only source of income, at least for a very long time. Therefore, you need to make sure that your day job doesn’t take up all your time and leave you drained of energy to pursue this passion.
There wil be time when you won’t feel up to creating anything.
There wil be time when you just feel ready to take some time off, throw in the towel, and focus on something else. But you have to always stick to your strategy!
Your content strategy should always revolve around this: you need to find a schedule and you need to stick to it.
If you watch a lot of video content creators, you have probably heard them say something like “And remember, I release a new video on Tuesdays and Thursdays.” This is a great way to keep the audience coming back again and again. They know that you 49
wil always have something new on those days and they wil tune in to see what it is. If they have no idea about when your latest creation is hitting the web, they are less likely to come back to find it.
Consistency is key in the creator economy because, honestly, there are so many people competing for fans that consistency wil give you an advantage over those who don’t use it. If you are always releasing new content and you build trust between you and your audience, they wil start to rely on your schedule and even start looking forward to it.
Imagine if your favorite TV show didn’t tel you when it was airing. Would you keep watching it or wil you give up on it? No one wants to work hard to find content, they want the entire process to be as easy as possible. Consistency helps them with that.
You can keep a tight schedule in many ways. Practical y every smartphone or computer has a scheduling app built right into it.
As wel , most have reminder apps too. Therefore, you need to plug your schedule into your phone and have it remind you so 50
you never get off track. You can also use apps like Notion or Google Calendar to remind you too. Soon, creating content wil become a habit that is second nature and you wil never drop the bal and leave your audience waiting.
Before you start your career as a content creator, you need to have multiple creations queued up and ready to go. If you are a video creator, that means that you should have multiple videos edited and ready to be published. If you are a writer, you need to have multiple blogs completely done. The same is true if you are making your own products or if you are creating podcasts or audiobooks. Whatever it is that you’re making, you should have quite a few up your sleeve, waiting for your official launch into the creator economy. Yes, this wil take more work and it means it’l take more time before you can launch but it’l be worth it.
To audiences, it’l look like you are releasing a bunch of new creations into the world. But it’l actual y be the result of weeks of planning and hard work. This wil keep you consistent and it wil start your relationship off with fol owers on a good foot.
You should spend at least several minutes every single day planning as well. While most of your time creating content wil be spent actually, well, creating content, you should also spend a lot of time planning ahead and coming up with ideas. You should be thinking of pieces of art you want to create, or videos you want to film, or lists you desire to think about and compose.
This planning ahead is a very important part of your content strategy. It wil make sure that you don’t get writer’s block because you wil always have a pot of ideas to pull from.
Your strategy should be focused on always keeping you working and always coming up with new ideas. The idea here is that your well never runs dry and you always have a new project to start working on. With this strategy followed, you channel or website or blog wil continue to thrive and your fanbase wil only grow.
Entering the creator economy is so exciting. It feels like being a part of something very modern, very unique, and very promising.
There are now mil ions of people who have found some sort of success in the creator economy but it didn’t come easily to them. It might look painless and simple to those who enjoy their content but those who are most successful in this world have spent countless hours figuring out what they are passionate about and how to create content with it.
After reading so much about it, you might feel eager to get started and create your own content, find your audience, and build your own corner of the web. However, you need to do this the right way. You need to be smart and create your strategy, come up with new ideas about how to handle your social media, have a backlog of concepts that you can turn to whenever writer’s block arises, and start to plan on how to monetize your work.
See, there is a lot of work to be done! But you fol ow the steps laid out before you and do things the right way, you will find that creating content for the web is one of the most rewarding, fun, and authentic ways to make money. Treat it like a real job that deserves your respect and attention and time. Eventually, you may find that there are plenty of other people who share the passion you have.
The creator economy is waiting for you.
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