The women of the Confederacy


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Pages: 434

Published: 12 years ago

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Book Description HTML

The women of the Confederacy, in which is presented the heroism of the women of the Confederacy with accounts of their trials during the war and the period of Reconstruction, with their ultimate triumph over adversity. Their motives and achievements as told by writers and orators now preserved in permanent form

Reader Reviews
  • User image   John
    Tarot is nothing more than a pseudoscience
    26 May 2022
    Instead, check out a book on critical thinking and skepticism.
  • User image   James
    The author is the co-creator of the RWS tarot deck
    18 Nov 2020
    This is a 100+ year old tarot text written by one of the creators of the Rider Waite deck of tarot cards.
  • User image   James
    A must read for any serious tarot student
    19 Oct 2020
    Written by the legendary AE Waite over 100 years ago, this book is probably one of the top 3 most important books ever written on the tarot. It's a little hard to understand in places, but if you love tarot reading, this belongs in your library.
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