Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases by NIH - HTML preview

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with similar characteristics, they bring it to the attention of national public

health officers. Epidemiologists collect a variety of evidence including

demographic evidence (such as geographic location, age and other defining

characteristics of victims, and mortality rate), laboratory evidence from

victims’ tissues, and evidence about environmental factors that might be

involved. Their goal is to protect public health by identifying the disease

as rapidly as possible and recommending appropriate actions to prevent

it from becoming an epidemic.

A recent example of the effectiveness of this strategy was the identification

of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) as an emerging disease. Cases

of this apparently new disease were first recognized in May 1993. Within

four months, the infectious agent had been identified as a “new” variety of

hantavirus, the reservoir of the virus had been determined to be deer mice,

and the route of transmission (inhalation of viral particles from the rodents’

feces and urine) had been deciphered. Strategies for avoiding contact with

the virus were developed, and early diagnosis and support therapy were

recommended to reduce mortality due to the disease.

Three “mystery diseases” (unnamed for the students, but based on HPS,

Lyme disease, and Lassa fever) are the initial focus of this lesson. HPS

was first recognized in 1993; Lyme disease first came to the attention of

public health workers in 1975 as an unusual number of cases of juvenile

rheumatoid arthritis in children in Lyme, Connecticut; and Lassa fever

was first identified in an outbreak in Nigeria in 1969. Cases of HPS were

originally clustered in the Four Corners region of the U.S. Southwest, and

the majority of cases to date have been found there. Lyme disease is the

most commonly diagnosed tick-borne disease in the United States, with the

majority of cases clustering in the Northeast, although cases have occurred

in 48 of the 50 states. Lassa fever outbreaks occur in West Africa.

Investigating these diseases leads students to recognize that all three of

them “emerged” as a result of environmental changes and/or movement of

humans into areas inhabited by the organism that serves as a reservoir for

the pathogen. Lesson 3, Superbugs: An Evolving Concern, and Lesson 4,

Protecting the Herd, help students understand two factors involved in the

re-emergence of infectious diseases.


Photocopies and Transparencies

Equipment and Materials

In Advance

• 1 copy for each student of

• 1 overhead projector

Masters 2.1 and 2.11

• blank transparencies

• 1 copy for each group of

• (Optional) Computers with

Masters 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6,

access to the Internet

2.7, 2.8

• 1 copy for half the groups of

Master 2.9

• 1 copy for the other half of

groups of Master 2.10

• 1 transparency of Master 2.11


Make the investigation files: copy Masters 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 and assemble

them into file folders that you label “Physician’s File,” “Laboratory Scientist’s

File,” and “Field Researcher’s File.” You may want to use a different-colored

folder for each type of file. Make enough sets of these files so that no more

than three or four students (one student from each of three or four different

groups) study the documents in the file together. For example, for a class of

30 students (10 groups), prepare three sets of each type of file.

1. Introduce the lesson by asking students to suppose that a friend


developed a strange rash and then a fever accompanied by severe

vomiting and diarrhea. Their friend was hospitalized for a week before

finally recovering. Then, they hear about a student in another class

who had similar symptoms, and they learn that this student’s cousin

was also sick with fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. A few days later, they

hear a television report about a strange illness affecting five students

at a nearby high school. The symptoms described sound just like

those experienced by their friend. Ask students to suggest questions

they might ask about how to protect themselves from this illness.

Write these questions on the board or a transparency.

If students ask, explain that the symptoms do not indicate a particular

disease but are used to get students thinking. Complete this step

quickly, accepting and listing four or five reasonable questions from

students, such as, “Do all the sick people have the same disease?”

“What is the cause of the disease?” and “Do the victims have anything

in common that can tell us how the disease is transmitted?” It is

important to leave these questions on the board or the overhead

projector so that students can refer to them as they complete

the lesson.


Student Lesson 2

Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

2. Tell students that public health officers are responsible for answering

these types of questions when a cluster of unusual cases of disease

occurs. Explain that in this lesson, students will follow in the

footsteps of public health officers to answer some of the questions

they listed about a mystery disease. Give a copy of Master 2.1,

Three Mysterious Diseases, to each student, and ask four volunteers

to read the script to the class.

If you have students who are interested and talented in drama, you may

want to give them the scripts the previous day and ask them to read

them dramatically to the class.

If students ask what you mean by “unusual cases of disease,” explain that

it could mean a variety of unexpected occurrences including symptoms

that are rare in general, symptoms that are rare in the population in which

they are now occurring, or unusual severity of illness or fatality rates.

If you can project the video for the whole class, you can use

the “Three Mysterious Diseases” videos on the Web site to

introduce the lesson. Go to http://science.education.nih.gov/

supplements/diseases, and click on “Web Portion of Student Activities” and then “Lesson 2—Three Mysterious Diseases.”

3. Group students into teams of three and tell them they will spend the

next 30 minutes investigating the first mystery disease. Ask them

to assign each group member one of the following roles: physician,

laboratory scientist, or field researcher. Explain that each of these

experts will look for clues that will help each group answer the

questions the class listed in Step 1.

We suggest that you use the same groups as in Lesson 1.

4. Identify a station in the room for each of the three experts. Place

copies of the relevant master (Masters 2.2, 2.3, or 2.4) at each station.

Give each group one copy of Master 2.5, Notes from the Physician’s

Investigation; Master 2.6, Notes from the Laboratory Scientist’s

Investigation; and Master 2.7, Notes from the Field Researcher’s

Investigation. Direct students to go to the appropriate station and

review and discuss the clues they find there about the disease with

their colleague “experts” from the other groups. Ask them to record

significant information on the forms you distributed. Tell students

they will have 15 to 20 minutes to complete their research.

Move among the groups during this time, answering their questions and

using probing questions to direct their attention to significant details in

their information. Students in the field researcher groups may wonder

why there is no interview transcript from “J. McDonald.” Draw their

attention to the “Other Comments” on McDonald’s “Investigation of

Victim’s Home” report, in which she indicates that the victim’s mother

and aunt refused to be interviewed.


Tip from the field test: To save time and reduce confusion, place three

or four copies of Masters 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7 at the appropriate stations

before class. Then tell students they will find a copy of the form they

need to complete at the station.

5. Reconvene the original groups and give one copy of Master 2.8,

Mystery Disease 1 Final Report, to each student. Allow group members

10 minutes to pool their information and complete the report form.

Again, move among the groups, answering their questions and directing Collect students’ Final their attention to significant details. Students may have particular

Reports and review them

difficulty with the final task, which asks whether the disease is

to evaluate how well

emerging, re-emerging, or endemic. Help them come to the conclusion

students were able to

that this is an emerging disease by asking questions such as, “Was there

evidence that this disease is common in the Southwest?” “Was there

identify the evidence that

evidence that it was not one of these common diseases?” “What did you

supported or refuted a

decide was the cause of the disease?” “Has this infectious agent been

claim about the disease.

known to cause a disease with the ARDS symptoms?” and “What is the

Identify areas where

evidence that this is an ‘old’ disease? . . . that it is a ‘new’ disease?”

students could improve

and discuss them with the

6. Distribute Master 2.9, Mystery Disease 2 Final Report, to half the

class when you return

groups and Master 2.10, Mystery Disease 3 Final Report, to the

remaining half. Explain to students that a group of experts similar

their papers.

to those in their groups pooled information from their investigations

to complete these reports. Ask students to study the report forms

while you distribute one copy of Master 2.11, Mystery Diseases

Summary Table, to each student.

7. Direct students to complete the table on Master 2.11 for the two diseases

for which they have report forms.

8. Display a transparency made from Master 2.11, and ask several groups to report one piece of information as you complete the first row of

the table. Ask the remaining groups whether they have additional

information and whether they disagree with any of the information

provided by the other groups. Follow the same procedure for the

other two mystery diseases.

All three diseases are classified as emerging diseases and although

students are not given this information, all three have probably

occurred for hundreds if not thousands of years. Nevertheless, only

recently have cases occurred in sufficient numbers that they were

recognized as specific diseases. The infectious agents for the three

diseases are transmitted by

• Mystery Disease 1—contact with deer mouse ( Peromyscus

maniculatus) urine and feces

• Mystery Disease 2—bite from deer ticks ( Ixodes dammini)

• Mystery Disease 3—contact with rat ( Mastomys natalensis) urine

and feces, and close contact with victims of the disease


Student Lesson 2


Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

The environmental factors involved are

• Mystery Disease 1—climatic conditions favoring large deer mice

populations and human encroachment into areas inhabited by

This is a good time to note

deer mice

how technological advances

• Mystery Disease 2—climatic conditions favoring large acorn

harvests and human movement into wooded areas

have improved our ability

• Mystery Disease 3—conditions that reduce competition from

to identify the infectious

R. rattus, including human efforts to reduce the R. rattus population

agents for mysterious

diseases. Identification

9. Allow students to examine the summary table and then ask them to

of the spirochete type of

list any common features they note about the three mystery diseases.

bacterium as the cause

Lead a class discussion by asking, “Can you see one overall factor that

resulted in the emergence of all three of these diseases?” and “What

of Lyme disease required

does this suggest about things people need to consider as we develop

nearly seven years, whereas

land for residential and business purposes?”

molecular biology

techniques available in

Common features of the three mystery diseases, as revealed on Master

1993 meant that the

2.11, are that all the diseases are emerging, the transmission of the

infectious agent for HPS

infectious agent involves a nonhuman animal, and environmental

was identified within a

factors strongly help explain their occurrence. Guide students to the

understanding that environmental and ecological factors, combined

month. Continuing

with the movement of humans into previously uninhabited areas, help

NIAID-supported research

explain the relatively sudden appearance of these “new” diseases.

on the Lyme disease

spirochete has led to

You may want to reveal the names of the three mystery diseases at

improved diagnosis

this time:

of the disease and the

• Mystery Disease 1—hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS)

development of a new

• Mystery Disease 2—Lyme disease

vaccine to prevent it.

• Mystery Disease 3—Lassa fever

Explain to students that these diseases were first recognized in 1993

(HPS), 1975 (Lyme disease), and 1969 (Lassa fever). Although the

symptoms and “clues” presented in the mystery disease cases would

immediately implicate HPS, Lyme disease, or Lassa fever if physicians

saw them today, in 1993, 1975, or 1969, these three diseases were “new”

to healthcare workers, just as they were to students in this lesson.

10. Ask students to complete individually, in writing, the sentences at

the bottom of Master 2.11,

In Step 10, students are

Mystery Diseases Summary Table.

challenged to synthesize

11. Collect students’ assignments from Step 10 and close the lesson by

in their own words the

noting several responses (anonymously) and engaging the students

discussion from Step 9.

in a discussion of the issues that should be considered to avoid or

Completing the sentences

minimize the risks of emerging diseases.

requires them to state and

elaborate on the lesson’s

Completing the lesson should lead students to recognize that changing

environmental conditions create opportunities for new or previously

major concept.

rare diseases to affect large numbers of people. Students are likely


to respond to the second question by a blanket statement such as,

“People should stay out of uninhabited areas.” Challenge them to think

more deeply by asking questions such as, “Should you or anyone else

be allowed to tell people where they can live?” “What if people in a

developing country have an opportunity to dramatically increase their

income, as well as their country’s productivity, by developing an area

previously uninhabited by people? Do the advantages of economic

development outweigh the risks of emerging diseases? What do you

need to consider to make this evaluation?” and “How might medical

and ecological research efforts help resolve these dilemmas?”

You may want to give students the example of the Aswan Dam in Egypt.

Schistosomiasis is a disease that causes diarrhea, abdominal pain,

and liver problems. Chronic infections may lead to liver failure and

may also affect the central nervous system. The disease is caused by a

helminth that has a complex life cycle, including stages in both snails

and the human bloodstream. Because snails thrive in still waters such

as those found in irrigation canals and artificial lakes, the incidence of

schistosomiasis frequently increases following construction of dams.

Although this was known before the Aswan Dam was built, the officials

involved in the decision felt that the economic advantages of the dam

outweighed the disease consequences. Before the dam was built, about

1 percent of the schoolchildren in the area had schistosomiasis. After

the dam was built, the incidence of schistosomiasis among children in

some villages near the artificial lake rose to 100 percent. Since then,

Egypt has spent part of the profits from the Aswan Dam on a major,

ongoing chemotherapy campaign against schistosomiasis.

This example also shows that the incidence of “old” diseases may be

affected by environmental changes. Schistosomiasis is not a “new”

disease, but the increased incidence of the disease makes it a candidate

for a re-emerging disease. Other factors related to disease re-emergence

are explored in the next two lessons.

Several popular books on emerging infectious diseases make exciting


reading and provide further illustration of scientists’ work in identifying

and limiting the risks of emerging diseases. Assign students to read and


report on books such as The Hot Zone, by Richard Preston (which describes

outbreaks of Ebola hemorrhagic fever), The Coming Plague, by Laurie Garrett

(which describes the efforts of scientists and policymakers regarding

a variety of emerging and re-emerging diseases, including HPS, Lassa

fever, malaria, and Legionnaire’s disease), and Restless Tide: The Persistent

Challenge of the Microbial World, by Richard M. Krause.


Student Lesson 2

Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

Lesson 2 Organizer

What the Teacher Does



Ask students to imagine the scenario in Step 1 on page 63. Ask

Page 63

students to suggest questions they might ask about how to protect

Step 1

themselves from the illness. Write students’ questions on the board.

For classes with Internet access, Step 2

Page 64

Show the Three Mysterious Diseases video clips from the Web site.

Step 2

(Students may still appreciate having the copy of Master 2.1

for reference.)

For classes without Internet access, Step 2

Page 64

Tell students that public health officers answer these types of

Step 2

questions when a cluster of unusual cases of disease occurs. Explain

that students will play the role of a public health officer to answer

the questions they have about a mystery disease. Give each student

a copy of Master 2.1. Ask for volunteers to read the script aloud to

the class.

Group students into teams of three. Ask groups to assign a role to

Page 64

each student. Allow 30 minutes for groups to investigate the first

Step 3

mystery disease. Experts should look for clues to help answer the

questions from Step 1.

Place copies of Masters 2.2, 2.3, or 2.4 at three stations (Physician’s

Page 64

File, Laboratory Scientist’s File, or Field Researcher’s File).

Step 4

Ask students from the original groups to meet with the same

experts from the other groups at the appropriate station. Allow

15 to 20 minutes for these new groups to review information in

their files and discuss the clues about the disease. Ask groups to

record significant information on a copy of the master appropriate

for their expert role (Master 2.5, 2.6, or 2.7).

Ask the “experts” to return to their original groups. Give each

Page 65

student a copy of Master 2.8. Allow 10 minutes for group members

Step 5

to pool their information and complete the report.

Give Master 2.9 to half the groups and Master 2.10 to the other

Page 65

half. Ask students to study the report forms.

Step 6


What the Teacher Does



Give each student a copy of Master 2.11. Ask students to complete

Page 65

the table for the two diseases for which they have report forms.

Steps 6

and 7

Display a transparency of Master 2.11. Ask several groups to report

Page 65

one piece of information to complete the first row of the table.

Step 8

Ask other groups if they have other information or disagree with

any information provided by other groups. Complete the table

using this approach.

Discuss the summary table with students by asking the following

Page 66


Step 9

• Are there any common features you can list about the three

mystery diseases? What are they?

• Can you see one overall factor that resulted in the emergence

of all three of these diseases?

• What does