Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases by NIH - HTML preview

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infectious diseases. By 1946, however, approximately 14 percent of

Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated at a London hospital were resistant

to penicillin. Today, scientists estimate that more than 95 percent of all

S. aureus strains are penicillin-resistant.

After the introduction of penicillin, additional antibiotics were rapidly

isolated and developed, including streptomycin and the tetracylines.

Today, more than 100 antibiotics are available. Nevertheless, some strains

of at least three bacterial species ( Enterococcus faecium, Mycobacterium

tuberculosis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) are resistant to all the antibiotics 71

Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

available to treat these species, and healthcare workers fear that the time is

rapidly approaching when more deadly organisms escape the effects of all

known antibiotics.

The primary reason for the increase in antibiotic resistance is the excessive

use of antibiotics. When mutant genes arise that make a bacterium less

sensitive to an antibiotic, that bacterium survives and produces descendants

in an environment rich in antibiotics. That is, the process of natural

selection operates. Multiple mutations may be necessary for fully resistant

bacteria. However, once resistant genes appear, bacteria have a variety

of mechanisms for exchanging those (and other) genes both within and

across species. These mechanisms include conjugation, transformation,

transduction, and transposon-mediated exchange. This exchange allows

for “accelerated evolution” of bacterial species (accelerated in the sense that

random mutations that result in antibiotic resistance need not occur in

every individual bacterium, or even in every species of pathogen, but can

simply be acquired from another organism).

This lesson invites students to explore one reason for the re-emergence

of some infectious diseases: the evolution of antibiotic resistance among

pathogens. In Lesson 4, Protecting the Herd, students explore another reason

for the re-emergence of infectious diseases.

In Advance

Photocopies and Transparencies

Equipment and Materials

• 1 copy per student of Masters

• (Optional) Computers with

3.1, 3.2, 3.4

access to the Internet

• 1 copy per student for the print-

• All items needed for the lab

based version only of Master 3.3

(see page 80)

• 1 copy per group of Master 3.5

Students complete this lesson during several (five to seven) class periods.

You will need to prepare the materials for the laboratory exercise. Ordering

information and preparation directions are on pages 80–81, immediately

following the lesson.

For classes with access to the Internet:

Information about the safe use of microorganisms in

classrooms, including lists of organisms considered safe

for students at various levels of school, can be found at

http://www.science-projects.com/safemicrobes.htm. Leaders in infectious disease research, including scientists from NIH, contributed to the

Web site. Pseudomonas fluorescens, the organism used in the laboratory

exercise in this lesson, is included on the list of microorganisms

considered appropriate for students in grade 9 or higher. Nevertheless,

experts acknowledge that people who are immunocompromised may be

at risk for infection by organisms that do not affect healthy individuals.


We recommend that you read a statement such as the following to your

classes before beginning the lesson:

Pseudomonas fluorescens, the bacterium used in the laboratory exercise

you will begin soon, does not cause disease in healthy people. However,

people who have weakened immune systems should not have contact with

most microorganisms or with people who handle those organisms. Your

immune system may be weakened if you are undergoing antibiotic therapy,

if you are taking immunosuppressive drugs or drugs for cancer treatment,

or if you have AIDS or are HIV-positive. If you have a weakened immune

system for these or any other reasons, let me know, and I will give you an

alternative experience that is safer for you.

Students who should not participate in the laboratory exercise can view

a video demonstration of it on the Web site, as described in the following

paragraphs. They can rejoin the class on Day 3 of the lesson, after the other

students have recorded their results and discarded their bacterial cultures.

If you do not have the time or facilities to conduct the laboratory exercise,

you will need only one day to complete this lesson. Complete Steps 1 to 3,

Day 1, and then have students view a video demonstration of the laboratory

exercise, Bacterial Growth Experiment, on the Emerging and Re-emerging

Infectious Diseases Web site. Students will need copies of Master 3.1 to help

them follow the steps in the demonstration. Then, move to Day 3 of the


To set up computers, go to http://science.education.nih.gov/supplements/

diseases and choose “Web Portion of Student Activities.”

Note to teachers: If you don’t have enough computers equipped with

Internet access to conduct Steps 4 and 5 on Day 3, you can use the

print-based alternative (page 78).

DAY 1 (5 to 7 days before Day 3 of the lesson)


1. Remind students of the theory of evolution. Explain that theories in

science are well-accepted explanations about some natural phenomenon

and are backed up with a great deal of scientific evidence. The greater

the evidence and the more diverse the evidence, the stronger the theory.

The evidence comes from scientists who generate hypotheses and

conduct experiments to test their hypotheses.

Students should be able to state the basic elements of the theory

of evolution: 1) there is variation among the individuals in a

population; 2) some of these differences can be inherited; 3) some

individuals will be better adapted to their environment than others;

4) the better-adapted individuals will reproduce more successfully; and

5) thus, the heritable characteristics that make individuals better

adapted will increase in frequency in the population.


Student Lesson 3

Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

2. Organize students into groups of three and challenge the groups

to use their understanding of evolution by natural selection to write

a hypothesis about what will happen in a population of bacteria after

growing for several generations in the presence of an antibiotic.

If students have difficulty with this, stimulate their thinking by asking

questions such as, “What effect does an antibiotic usually have on

bacteria? Do you know of cases in which that effect did not occur?

What does that suggest about variations that exist in the bacteria

population? Which bacteria survived? What trait did they pass on

to other progeny?”

3. Convene a class discussion in which you ask several groups to share

the hypotheses they developed. Challenge the class to work together

to refine them into one hypothesis similar to the following:

If a bacterial culture is grown in a medium containing an antibiotic,

then after several generations, all the bacteria in the culture will

be resistant to the antibiotic.

4. Tell students that they will conduct an experiment to test this

hypothesis, and explain that they will also consider the implications

of their results for controlling infectious diseases in an activity

the following week. Then, distribute Master 3.1, Bacterial Growth

Experiment, and instruct students to complete Steps 1 through 4

with their group members.

Emphasize that for safety reasons as well as the success of their

experiments, students must use aseptic techniques. If students are not

familiar with aseptic techniques for handling bacterial cultures,

you will need to demonstrate them.

Alternatively, you can have your students view the “Day 1”

video segment of Bacterial Growth Experiment online, which

shows students using aseptic techniques as they prepare the

initial cultures in the experiment ( http://science.education.


DAY 2 (2 to 3 days before Day 3 of the lesson)

1. Direct groups to complete Steps 5–8 on Master 3.1 .


1. Tell students that today they will analyze the results of the bacterial

growth experiment they have been running and will use those

results to help explain what happened to a high school student

who had tuberculosis.


2. Organize students into groups and instruct them to collect their

bacterial growth plates. While they do this, give each student a

copy of Master 3.2, Discussion Questions for the Bacterial Growth

Experiment. Tell the groups to draw (or describe) their results on

the flow chart on Master 3.1c first, then refer to those results

as they discuss and write answers to the discussion questions

on Master 3.2.

Depending on students’ microbiology background, you may need to

explain that when a single, microscopic bacterium is placed on an agar

plate, it will grow and divide into two progeny cells. Each progeny

cell will grow and divide, and so on, until thousands and thousands

of individual bacteria are growing right in that spot. At this point, the

growth becomes visible to us as a colony of bacteria. Each colony came

from a single original bacterium on the plate. When approximately

10,000 or more bacteria are plated, each individual bacterium is close

enough to a neighboring bacterium that the colonies they produce

merge together, and we observe confluent growth, or a “lawn,” of

bacteria across the plate.

Move among the groups as they discuss each question and help lead

students to the following understandings.

Question 1. Compare the bacterial growth on the two plates from

the parental culture (Plates 1 and 2). Which has more growth?

Explain why. How do you explain the presence of bacteria on

the plate containing kanamycin?

The nutrient agar plate (Plate 1) should show a lawn of bacteria, or

confluent growth, whereas the plate containing kanamycin should

show only 50 to 100 colonies. Students should explain that the

antibiotic prevented the growth of most of the bacteria on Plate 2.

A simple, straightforward answer is all students need to provide for

the last question: The bacteria that grew on Plate 2 were resistant

to the antibiotic.

Question 2. Compare the growth on Plates 3 and 4, which you prepared

from culture A (without kanamycin). How does the growth on the plates

with and without kanamycin appear? What does this tell you about the

bacteria grown in culture A?

The plate without kanamycin (Plate 3) should show a lawn of bacterial

growth, whereas the plate with kanamycin (Plate 4) should show 50 to

100 colonies. The results on Plate 3 indicate that a lot of bacteria were

growing in the sample plated from culture A. Comparing the results

on that plate with the results on Plate 4 indicates that some of the

bacteria in the culture (for example, 50 out of 10,000 or more) were

resistant to the antibiotic, but most were not.


Student Lesson 3

Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

Question 3. Compare the growth on Plates 5 and 6, which you prepared

from culture B (with kanamycin). How does the growth on the plates

with and without kanamycin appear? What does this tell you about

the bacteria grown in culture B?

Both plates should show a lawn of bacterial growth. This indicates

that most or all of the bacteria growing in this culture were resistant

to kanamycin.

Question 4. Compare the growth of cultures A and B on Plates 4 and

6 (with kanamycin). Explain how culture B could have so many more

resistant bacteria than culture A, even though they both came from the

same parental culture.

If, after a minute or two of discussion, students cannot offer an

explanation, suggest that they use their understanding of natural

selection to explain the difference in the results on the plates for the

two cultures. They should be able to explain that the environment

in culture B (which contained kanamycin) selected for the growth of

those bacteria that were resistant to kanamycin. By the time students

plated a sample from that culture, all of the bacteria in the sample

were resistant, so they all grew on the plate with kanamycin, resulting

in a lawn of bacterial growth (Plate 6). Culture A did not contain

kanamycin, so there was no selection for kanamycin resistance,

and most of the bacteria students plated from that culture were

not resistant. Thus, most did not grow on the plate with kanamycin

(Plate 4).

Question 5. How do you explain the presence of some resistant bacteria

in the parental culture and culture A?

To answer this question, students must recognize that bacteria

become resistant (for example, through mutation) before natural

selection operates. In other words, the bacteria in the parental strain

did not “know” that some of them would be placed in growth medium

with kanamycin and “respond” by becoming resistant. Instead, in

the parental strain, a few bacteria were already present that were

resistant to kanamycin, even though no kanamycin was present.

Similarly, a few bacteria in culture A were resistant to kanamycin,

even though no antibiotic was present. When the resistant and

nonresistant bacteria from the parental culture were placed in medium

containing kanamycin (culture B), only the resistant bacteria survived

and reproduced, passing their kanamycin resistance trait on to their

progeny. Soon, virtually all the bacteria in the culture—the progeny

of the original resistant bacteria—were resistant to kanamycin, as

observed on the students’ plates.



3. Convene a brief class discussion in which you clarify any confusion

you noted as you circulated among the groups and/or invite students

to ask questions about the results of their experiments.

Steps 4 and 5 for classes with access to the Internet:

4. Tell students that they will watch a young woman

named Debi French discuss her battle with

tuberculosis. Then, they will use the results of their bacterial

growth experiments to help explain what happened in her struggle

with the disease. Ask groups to take their copies of the flow chart

and Discussion Questions with them to the computer stations.

Emphasize that the bacterium in their experiment ( P. fluorescens) is

not the kind that causes tuberculosis ( M. tuberculosis). P. fluorescens

does not cause disease in healthy people. Furthermore, the antibiotic

kanamycin is not used clinically, so the resistant bacteria cultured

As they use the results of

in this exercise do not compromise medical treatments. Emphasize,

however, that all bacterial cultures in your class are decontaminated

their bacterial growth

before disposal and that aseptic conditions must be followed in all

experiment to explain

work with microorganisms.

what happened to Debi

French, students will

5. Distribute a copy of Master 3.4, Debi’s Story: Explaining What

experience how basic

Happened, to each student and tell them to click on Debi’s Story

research leads to expla-

to start the video. Indicate that students have 20 minutes to answer

nations for disease and

the questions on Debi’s Story.

for the success or failure

You may want to emphasize to students that this is a true story, and

of disease treatment. This

that Debi herself tells her story on the video.

understanding leads

scientists to pro pose

Organizing student groups at individual computer stations to view

further research and

Debi French’s story will allow students to complete this part of the

policies directed at

lesson at their own pace. An alternative, if you have the equipment

to project the video from the Web site onto a large screen for whole-

improving public health.

class viewing, is to show the first part of the video to the class,

then reorganize students into their groups. After the groups have

discussed and written answers to the first set of questions on

Master 3.4a, reconvene the class to watch the second part of the

video. Instruct students to return to their groups to answer the

second set of questions on the handout. Follow this process until

students have completed their study of Debi’s story.

You may need to remind students of the information they learned

about tuberculosis in Lesson 1.


Student Lesson 3

Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

Steps 4 and 5 for classes using the print version of the lesson:

4. Tell students that they will learn about a young woman

named Debi French and her battle with tuberculosis. They

will use the results of their bacterial growth experiments to help

explain what happened in her struggle with the disease.

Emphasize that the bacteria in their experiment ( P. fluorescens) is

not the kind that causes tuberculosis ( M. tuberculosis). P. fluorescens

does not cause disease in healthy people. Furthermore, the antibiotic

kanamycin is not used clinically, so the resistant bacteria cultured

in this exercise do not compromise medical treatments. Emphasize,

however, that all bacterial cultures in your class are decontaminated

before disposal and that aseptic conditions must be followed in all

work with microorganisms.

5. Give each student one copy of Masters 3.3, Debi’s Story, and 3.4, Debi’s

Story: Explaining What Happened. Indicate that students have 20

minutes to read about Debi and answer the questions on Debi’s Story.

You may want to emphasize to students that this is a true story.

You may want to remind students of the information they learned

about tuberculosis in Lesson 1.

6. Convene a whole-class discussion in which you ask several groups

to share their responses to the questions on Master 3.4. Invite the

other groups to add information and disagree with these responses.

Then, ask students, “What explanation does the Debi French example

The Debi French example

suggest for the re-emergence of diseases like tuberculosis?”

reminds students of the

major concept of the

Students should be able to provide answers such as the following:

activity: One explanation

Sentence 1

for the re-emergence of

• Debi contracted tuberculosis (TB) from a student in one of her

infectious diseases is

classes who had an active, misdiagnosed case of TB. Debi did not

resistance of the causative

know this student.

agent to the treatment that

• The symptoms Debi had were fatigue, weight loss, and a severe,

once cured infections of

persistent cough.

that agent. The important

Sentence 2

public health issue is

• The treatment to cure TB is a combination of several antibiotics. Debi

avoiding inappropriate

named standard drugs used for TB such as isoniazid and rifampin.

use of antibiotics as a way

• When Debi started the treatment, she initially got better.

to minimize, or at least

delay, the evolution of

Sentence 3

resistant pathogens.

• Debi’s health began improving when she started the drug therapy

for TB because the bacteria that caused her tuberculosis were killed

(or their growth was inhibited) by the drugs she was taking.


Sentence 4

• On Valentine’s Day 1994, Debi learned that her tuberculosis was

active again.

• The drugs Debi took to cure her TB were not working because the

bacteria that caused her TB had become resistant to the drugs.

Sentence 5

• Debi had a relapse (developed an active case of TB again), even