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many infectious diseases. Because immunized people do not develop

diseases that must be treated with antimicrobial drugs, opportunities for

pathogens to evolve and disseminate drug resistance genes are reduced.

Thus, mass immunization reduces the need to develop newer and more

expensive drugs.

As long as a disease remains endemic anywhere, vaccination programs

must be maintained everywhere. This is because an infected person can

travel anywhere in the world within 24 hours. Once global vaccina tion

programs eliminate the infectious agent (as in the case of the smallpox

virus), vaccination is no longer necessary, and the expense of those

programs is also eliminated. It is estimated that the United States has

saved $17 billion so far as a result of the eradication of smallpox (which

cost, according to the World Health Organization, $313 million across a

10-year period).

Lapses in vaccination programs explain the re-emergence of some

infectious diseases. For example, the diphtheria outbreak in Russia in

the early 1990s may have been due to lapses in vaccination programs

associated with the breakup of the Soviet Union. Inadequate vaccines

and failure to obtain required “booster shots” also explain some disease

re-emergence. The dramatic increase in measles cases in the United States

during 1989–1991 was likely caused by failure to give a second dose of

the vaccine to school-age children. The American Academy of Pediatrics

now recommends that all children receive a second dose of the measles

vaccine at either ages 4–6 or 11–12 years.

Seasonal vaccination for influenza is one of the most underused preventive

measures in the United States. Morbidity and mortality might be mitigated

if there were better compliance with vaccination recommendations.

This lesson and Lesson 3, Superbugs: An Evolving Concern, both provide

explanations for the re-emergence of some infectious diseases. Lesson 3

explained that some re-emerging diseases are due to the evolution of

antibiotic resistance among pathogens. Lesson 4, Protecting the Herd,

introduces students to the idea that the re-emergence of other infectious

diseases can be explained by a failure to immunize a sufficient proportion

of the population. On the first day of the lesson, students learn that

epidemics can be prevented by immunizing part of the population, leading

to herd immunity. The concept of herd immunity is elaborated in the

optional, second day of the lesson. Here, students learn that the threshold

level of immunity required to establish herd immunity (and thus prevent

epidemics) varies depending on the transmissibility of the disease, the

length of the infectious period, the population density, and other factors.


For Day 1

In Advance

Photocopies and Transparencies

Equipment and Materials

• 1 copy per student of

• 1 overhead projector

Masters 4.1, 4.2,

• red, pink, and black cards

• 2 copies per student of

(1 of each per student)

Master 4.3

• folded pieces of paper labeled

• 2 transparencies of Master 4.3

“immune” and “susceptible”

(make enough of each for

half the students)

(Optional) For Day 2

Photocopies and Transparencies

Equipment and Materials

• 1 copy per student of

• 1 overhead projector

Master 4.4

• blank transparencies

• 1 transparency of Masters 4.5

• (Optional) Computers with

and 4.6

access to the Internet

Note to teachers: If you do not have enough computers with Internet access,

you will not be able to conduct the optional Day 2 of this lesson.



1. Introduce the lesson by distributing one copy of Master 4.1, Measles

Outbreak at Western High, to each student and asking the students

to read it.

The scenario described on Measles Outbreak is fictitious, but it’s based

on an outbreak of measles that occurred in Washington State in 1996.

An alternate way to introduce the lesson is to assign students to make a

list of the childhood diseases that they, their parents (or someone from

their parents’ generation), and their grandparents (or someone from

their grandparents’ generation) had. Explain that “childhood diseases”

means diseases that people usually have just once and do not get again

(for example, chicken pox). Explain that you do not mean diseases

like the flu, strep throat, and colds. On the day you wish to begin the

lesson, ask students to name some of these diseases, then ask them to

count the number of different diseases each generation in their family

had. Total these numbers across all of the students in the class and ask

students to suggest why (in general) their parents and grandparents had

more diseases than they did. Students likely will suggest (correctly) that

vaccination against many diseases is now available.


Student Lesson 4


Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

2. After students have read Master 4.1 , ask them to speculate about

what might have happened to cause a sudden outbreak of a

disease such as measles that normally, today, is relatively rare in

the United States.

This is an opportunity to

point out that research in

Students will likely know that most children in the United States today

are vaccinated against measles. They may speculate that the students at

microbiology and related

Western High were not vaccinated, or that the vaccine did not work in

disciplines in the past 50

their cases, or even that the pathogen causing this form of measles was

years has led to the

somehow able to evade the immune defenses that had been triggered

development of many

by the vaccinations these children received.

vaccines in addition to the

measles vaccine. Children

3. Distribute one copy of Master 4.2, A Little Sleuthing, to each student, of the 1990s who receive

and ask the students to read the story and think about the question

that ends it.


vaccinations are protected 4. Point out that despite the success of the measles vaccine, there from many infectious

continue to be small outbreaks of measles in the United States.

diseases that plagued

Explain that the key to understanding why this is true and to

children in the past,

answering the question that ends the story about Western High

including diphtheria,

lies in understanding how disease spreads in a population.

whooping cough,

5. Explain to students that to help them understand how disease spreads

measles, hepatitis B,

in a population, they will participate in a simulation of the spread of a

and chicken pox.

fictitious disease you will call the “two-day disease.” Give two copies

of Master 4.3, Following an Epidemic, to each student and display

a transparency of this master. Then, direct students to perform

two simulations of the spread of two-day disease, according to the

instructions provided on pages 95–97, immediately after the lesson.

An “epidemic” is typically defined as “more cases of a disease than

is expected for that disease.” Although this is not a very specific

definition, it does make clear that whether scientists call an outbreak of

a disease an epidemic depends on the specific disease involved. Though

there is no distinct line between an “outbreak” and an “epidemic,”

epidemics are generally considered to be larger in scale and longer

lasting than outbreaks. Today, five cases of measles within a population

could be considered an epidemic because no cases are expected.

For this simulation, assume that an epidemic is in progress if 25 percent

or more of the population is sick at one time.

Observations that students might make about the table and graph that

result from the first simulation include

• an epidemic occurred because a large portion of the class was sick

at the same time;

• at the beginning of the epidemic, only a few people were sick in the

same day; in the middle of the epidemic, a lot of people were sick at

the same time; and at the end, only a few people were sick;


• by the end of the simulation, everyone was immune; and

• once it started, the disease spread rapidly.

Observations that students might make about the table and graph

that result from the second simulation include

• only a few people were sick on any one day;

• no epidemic occurred;

• at the end of the simulation, some people were still susceptible; and

• some people in the population never got sick.

Tip from the field test: Do a practice run of several days of the

simulation before you do the runs in which you collect data. This

will allow you to address any confusion students have about the

simulation and will make subsequent runs go much faster. If you

have time, you may want to repeat the simulation, especially the

second one, in which half the class is immune. In order for students

to observe herd immunity, some susceptible students in the population

should not get sick. Depending on the arrangement of immune and

susceptible students in the class (which is random), this may not

happen the first time you run this simulation.

6. Debrief the activity by asking, “Why did an epidemic occur in the first

population but not in the second?” and “Why didn’t all the susceptible

people in the second population get sick?” Introduce the term “herd

immunity” and describe it as a phenomenon that occurs when most

of the people in a population are immune to an infectious disease.

Susceptible people in the population are protected from that disease

because the infectious agent cannot be transmitted effectively.

Allow students to discuss their responses to the two questions before

you introduce the term herd immunity. Students will likely make

comments such as, “Everyone sitting near John was immune, so

the disease just died out.” At that point, you can respond by saying,

“Yes, what you have just explained is what epidemiologists call herd

immunity.” Then you can provide a more complete definition.

7. Ask students to explain, based on their experience in the disease-

transmission simulation, what would happen if measles vaccinations

dropped to a low level in a population.

Students should be able to explain that there would be many susceptible This step takes students to people in the population, so the disease would be transmitted from one

the major concept of the

to another without dying out. A measles outbreak or epidemic would

activity: The re-emer gence

occur. If students do not mention “re-emergence,” emphasize this point

of some diseases can be

by saying, “Yes, measles would re-emerge in the population.”

explained by immunity

levels that are below

the level required for

herd immunity.


Student Lesson 4

Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

8. Remind students about the measles-outbreak story. Ask them to

write a final paragraph to the story in which they use the term

herd immunity to answer the following questions:

Collect and review

• Why didn’t the unvaccinated or inadequately vaccinated students

students’ paragraphs to

and teacher at Western High get measles when they were children

rather than as teenagers or adults?

assess their understanding

of the major concept of the

Students should be able to explain that the unvaccinated or

activity. Address common

inadequately vaccinated students at Western High were protected

misunderstandings in the

by herd immunity when they were younger: Because most of the

next class session and

people around them were immune, the infectious agent could not

read two or three of

be transmitted from those people.

the best paragraphs

• Why is vaccination not only a personal health issue, but also a

to the class.

public health issue?

Vaccination is a public health issue because maintaining high levels

of immunity in a population prevents epidemics and protects the

small percentage of susceptible people from the disease.

DAY 2 (Optional) For classes with access to

the Internet

1. Open the activity by reminding students about two-day

disease and the simulation they completed. Then, ask them what

characteristics may vary between two-day disease and other diseases.

Point out that differences in these characteristics affect the likelihood

that an epidemic of a particular disease will occur and the percentage

of the population that must be immune to that disease to achieve

herd immunity.

Expect students to suggest that people who are sick may contact more

than one person per day, may be sick (and infectious) for more than

two days, may die from the disease, and may not get sick from just

one contact. Students may also point out that the disease may require

“intimate” rather than casual contact, or it may not require person-to-

person contact.

2. Ask students to predict what the results of the simulation would be

if they varied each of four characteristics of the disease: virulence

(the likelihood of dying from the disease), duration of infection, rate

of transmission (how contagious the disease is), and level of immunity

in the population. Insist that students provide some rationale for their

predictions. Write their predictions on the board or a blank transparency.

To help students think about this, you may wish to ask questions

such as, “Do you think there would have been an epidemic of two-day

disease if people sometimes died from the disease? If so, do you think

it would have been a more or less severe epidemic?”


Virulence, duration of infection, rate of transmission, and level of immunity

are the four parameters that the computer simulation will allow students to

vary. Students may make predictions such as, “The more virulent a disease

is, the greater the likelihood of an epidemic,” or “The higher the immunity

level of a population, the less likely it is that an epidemic will occur.”

3. Tell students they will use a computer simulation to investigate the

likelihood of an epidemic when they vary one of the four characteristics

they just discussed. Give one copy of Master 4.4, Disease-Transmission-

Simulation Record, to each student and ask students to work in their

groups. Assign each group one of the four characteristics to investigate

and direct students to circle this characteristic on the master.

Tell students that because the computer simulation uses a larger

population size, an epidemic is defined as an outbreak of disease

in which 10 percent or more of the population is sick at one time.

4. Tell students to go to this part of the Web site and click on “Protecting

the Herd”: http://science.education.nih.gov/supplements/diseases/

activities/. Explain briefly how to use the simulation, then direct students to use it to test their assigned characteristic. Explain

that groups should test four different levels of their assigned

characteristic and that they have 15 minutes to complete this

work before reporting their findings to the class.

You may wish to explain the following features of the simulation:

• Users can set each disease characteristic at a variety of levels

(as indicated on the screen).

• Users can have the simulation run automatically for 30 days or step

through those days one by one, depending on the button they click.

• To repeat a run or to change the settings and do another run,

users must click the Reset button.

• Once a run begins, users cannot change the settings unless they

click the Reset button.

You may want to suggest that the groups that were assigned the

virulence characteristic select four levels from the low end of the

available range (less than 0.1 or 0.2) to test. Because of the levels

students will be using for duration of infection and rate of transmission,

any disease that has moderate to high virulence rapidly dies out in a

population. Students will have more interesting results if they use the

lower levels for virulence.

A range from 0.001 to 0.1 encompasses estimated rates of transmission

for many infectious diseases. The algorithm for this simulation assumes

that each infected person makes 100 contacts per day. Thus, the range

of settings available to students is 0.1 (0.001 × 100) to 10 (0.1 × 100).

The simulation would have to be adjusted for populations that are more

or less dense than the one assumed by the simulation.


Student Lesson 4

Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

5. Reconvene the class and ask questions such as, “Did your predictions

match what you discovered using the simulation?” or “Were you

surprised by the results of the simulation?” Ask one of the groups

that investigated the effect of varying virulence level to read its

summary statement to the class. Invite other groups that investigated

that characteristic to add more information to the statement or to

disagree with it. Repeat this process for the other three characteristics

the groups investigated.

Students should have discovered the following, according to the

computer simulation:

Virulence. A disease that is not very virulent remains at a low level in

the population, whereas diseases that are quite virulent rapidly die out.

Real disease examples that show this are colds and Ebola hemorrhagic

fever. Colds are not very virulent, and infected individuals remain

contagious for several days. Thus, colds tend to remain at a fairly

constant low level in the population. Ebola fever is very virulent (50 to

90 percent mortality) and death occurs shortly after infection, lessening

the opportunities for an infected individual to spread the virus beyond

his or her immediate surroundings. Therefore, at least until recent

improvements in travel in areas where Ebola has occurred, it tended

to occur in isolated outbreaks that died out fairly quickly.

Duration of infection. As the duration of infection increases, infected

individuals have more opportunities to transmit the infection to others.

In turn, each secondarily infected individual has more opportunity to

infect still others. Therefore, because larger numbers of people become

infected within a short period of time, epidemics become apparent

sooner after introduction of infected individuals into the population,

reach a higher peak incidence, and last longer. Real disease examples

showing this are influenza and chicken pox.

Rate of transmission. According to the computer simulation, a disease

dies out at low levels of transmission, whereas it stabilizes and becomes

endemic at high levels. Real disease examples of this include malaria

and many diarrheal diseases. Public health measures and access to

medical care result in dramatically decreased transmission of these

diseases in the United States, but they remain endemic in developing

countries where such public health measures and medical care are

not readily available.

Initial percent immune. With virulence, duration of infection,

and rate of transmission set at the values for two-day disease, the

computer simulation predicts that an epidemic will not occur when

the proportion of immune people in the population is greater than

15 percent.


6. Explain to students that computer simulations such as the one they

have explored are useful tools for epidemiologists, who use them to

make predictions about the likelihood that an epidemic will occur

in a particular population or to estimate the level of vaccination

coverage they must achieve to prevent epidemics in the population.

7. Challenge groups to use the simulation to estimate the level of

immunization required to prevent epidemics of three real diseases:

smallpox, polio, and measles. Assign each group one of the diseases

and display the transparency of Master 4.5, Characteristics of

Smallpox, Polio, and Measles, which provides the settings they need

for the simulation. Tell groups they have 10 minutes to complete

their work.

Smallpox was declared eradicated from the world in 1980. Because

epidemiologists knew it would not be possible to vaccinate

everyone in the world, they used mathematical models of the

spread of disease to estimate the level of vaccination coverage they

needed to achieve and maintain to establish herd immunity in a

population. (The computer simulation in this activity is based on

a similar mathematical model.) Epidemiologists knew smallpox

would eventually be eliminated because there would not be enough

susceptible people to transmit the sma