Fundamentals of Signal Processing by Minh N. Do - HTML preview

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amplitude response, THE AMPLITUDE RESPONSE
average power, Mean-Square Value



characteristic polynomial, Homogeneous Solution
circular convolution, Compute IDFT of Y[k]
coefficient vector, Simplifying our Equation
complement, Direct Sums
complex exponential sequence, Complex Exponentials
complex exponentials, Introduction
computational algorithm, The FFT Algorithm, Glossary
continuous random process, Random Process
continuous time fourier transform, Introduction
continuous-time fourier transform, Introduction
correlation, Correlation, Glossary
correlation coefficient, Correlation Coefficient
correlation functions, Correlation
covariance, Covariance, Glossary
crosscorrelation function, Crosscorrelation Function


deblurring, Image Restoration
deterministic signals, Deterministic Signals
direct method, Solving a LCCDE
direct sum, Direct Sums
discrete fourier transform (dft), Sampling DTFT
discrete random process, Random Process
discrete time fourier transform, Introduction
discrete wavelet transform, Main Concepts
discrete-time fourier transform, Introduction
downsampling, Downsampling


envelop delay, WHY LINEAR-PHASE: MORE
ergodic, Time Averages


finite, Aside
finite dimensional, Dimension
first-order stationary, First-Order Stationary Process
fourier series, Equations, Equations
frames, Spectrograms


gibbs phenomena, Fourier's Daring Leap


hanning window, Spectrograms
homogeneous solution, Direct Method


identity matrix, Examples
indirect method, Solving a LCCDE
initial conditions, Difference Equation
inner product space, Hilbert Spaces
invertible, Inverses


joint density function, Distribution and Density Functions
joint distribution function, Distribution and Density Functions


linear discrete-time systems, Linear Time-Invariant Systems
linear transformation, Linear Transformations
linearly dependent, Linear Independence
linearly independent, Linear Independence, Mean Value


matrix representation, Matrices
mean-square value, Mean-Square Value
mother wavelet, Main Concepts
multi-resolution, Main Concepts


narrow-band spectrogram, Short Time Fourier Transform
nonstationary, Introduction
normed linear space, Hilbert Spaces


orthogonal compliment, Orthogonal Compliments
orthonormal, Orthogonality
orthonormal basis, Main Idea


particular solution, Direct Method
pearson's correlation coefficient, Correlation Coefficient
periodic, Main Concepts
phase delay, WHY LINEAR-PHASE?
pole-zero cancellation, Examples of Pole/Zero Plots
power series, Region of Convergence
probability density function (pdf), Distribution and Density Functions
probability distribution function, Distribution and Density Functions


random process, Random Process, Glossary
random sequence, Random Process
random signals, Stochastic Signals
realization, Random Process, Glossary
recursive least squares, Computational Considerations


sample function, Random Process, Glossary
sample-rate conversion, Resampling with Rational Factor
spectral masking, Sub-band Processing
standard basis, Matrices
stationary process, Introduction, Glossary
stationary processes, Introduction
stochastic signals, Stochastic Signals
subspace, Subspaces


the stagecoach effect, Sampling too slowly
time-varying behavior, Note
training signal, Important Application
transfer function, Conversion to Z-Transform
transforms, Examples
twiddle factors, How does the FFT work?


uncorrelated, Mean Value
uncountably infinite, Filtering in the Frequency Domain
unilateral z-transform, Basic Definition of the Z-Transform
unit sample, Unit Sample, Unit Step
unit-sample response, Filtering in the Frequency Domain
upsampling, Upsampling


variance, Variance
vectors, Examples


wavelets, Main Concepts
well-defined, Dimension
wide-band spectrogram, Short Time Fourier Transform
wide-sense stationary (wss), Wide-Sense Stationary Process
window, Spectrograms