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Chapter 4Multirate Signal Processing



The operation of upsampling by factor L∈ℕ describes the insertion of L−1 zeros between every sample of the input signal. This is denoted by "L " in block diagrams, as in Figure 4.1.

Figure (m10403fig1.png)
Figure 4.1

Formally, upsampling can be expressed in the time domain as _autogen-svg2png-0004.png In the z-domain, _autogen-svg2png-0006.png and substituting z=ⅈω for the DTFT,

() Y(ⅈω)=X(ⅈωL)

As shown in Figure 4.2, upsampling compresses the DTFT by a factor of L along with the ω axis.

Figure (m10403fig2.png)
Figure 4.2


The operation of downsampling by factor M∈ℕ describes the process of keeping every Mth sample and discarding the rest. This is denoted by " M " in block diagrams, as in Figure 4.3.

Figure (m10441fig1.png)
Figure 4.3

Formally, downsampling can be written as y[n]=x[nM] In the z domain,


where _autogen-svg2png-0007.png


Translating to the frequency domain,


As shown in Figure 4.4, downsampling expands each 2π -periodic repetition of X(ⅈω) by a factor of M along the ω axis, and reduces the gain by a factor of M. If x[m] is not bandlimited to _autogen-svg2png-0016.png, aliasing may result from spectral overlap.

When performing a frequency-domain analysis of systems with up/downsamplers, it is strongly recommended to carry out the analysis in the z -domain until the last step, as done above. Working directly in the ⅈω-domain can easily lead to errors.

Figure (m10441fig2.png)
Figure 4.4



Interpolation is the process of upsampling and filtering a signal to increase its effective sampling rate. To be more specific, say that x[m] is an (unaliased) T-sampled version of xc(t) and v[n] is an L-upsampled version version of x[m] . If we filter v[n] with an ideal _autogen-svg2png-0008.png-bandwidth lowpass filter (with DC gain L) to obtain y[n] , then y[n] will be a _autogen-svg2png-0012.png-sampled version of xc(t) . This process is illustrated in Figure 4.5.

Figure (m10444fig1.png)
Figure 4.5

We justify our claims about interpolation using frequency-domain arguments. From the sampling theorem, we know that T- sampling xc(t) to create x[n] yields


After upsampling by factor L, Equation implies _autogen-svg2png-0019.png Lowpass filtering with cutoff _autogen-svg2png-0020.png and gain L yields _autogen-svg2png-0022.png since the spectral copies with indices other than k=lL (for l∈ℤ) are removed. Clearly, this process yields a _autogen-svg2png-0025.png-shaped version of xc(t) . Figure 4.6 illustrates these frequency-domain arguments for L=2.

Figure (m10444fig2.png)
Figure 4.6

4.4Application of Interpolation - Oversampling in CD Players*

Application of Interpolation- Oversampling in CD Players

The digital audio signal on a CD is a 44.1kHz sampled representation of a continuous signal with bandwidth 20kHz . With a standard ZOH-DAC, the analog reconstruction filter would have passband edge at 20kHz and stopband edge at 24.1kHz . (See Figure 4.7) With such a narrow transition band, this would be a difficult (and expensive) filter to build.

Figure (m10444fig3.png)
Figure 4.7

If digital interpolation is used prior to reconstruction, the effective sampling rate can be increased and the reconstruction filter's transition band can be made much wider, resulting in a much simpler (and cheaper) analog filter. Figure 4.8 illustrates the case of interpolation by 4. The reconstruction filter has passband edge at 20kHz and stopband edge at 156.4kHz , resulting in a much wider transition band and therefore an easier filter design.

Figure (m10444fig4.png)
Figure 4.8


Decimation is the process of filtering and downsampling a signal to decrease its effective sampling rate, as illustrated in Figure 4.9. The filtering is employed to prevent aliasing that might otherwise result from downsampling.

Figure (m10445fig1.png)
Figure 4.9

To be more specific, say that xc(t)=xl(t)+xb(t) where xl(t) is a lowpass component bandlimited to _autogen-svg2png-0003.png Hz and xb(t) is a bandpass component with energy between _autogen-svg2png-0005.png and _autogen-svg2png-0006.png. If sampling xc(t) with interval T yields an unaliased discrete representation x[m], then decimating x[m] by a factor M will yield y[n], an unaliased MT-sampled representation of lowpass component xl(t) .

We offer the following justification of the previously described decimation procedure. From the sampling theorem, we have _autogen-svg2png-0015.png

The bandpass component Xb(ⅈΩ) is the removed by _autogen-svg2png-0017.png-lowpass filtering, giving _autogen-svg2png-0018.png Finally, downsampling yields


which is clearly a MT-sampled version of xl(t) . A frequency-domain illustration for M=2 appears in Figure 4.10.

Figure (m10445fig2.png)
Figure 4.10

4.6Resampling with Rational Factor*

Interpolation by L and decimation by M can be combined to change the effective sampling rate of a signal by the rational factor _autogen-svg2png-0003.png . This process is called resampling or sample-rate conversion. Rather than cascading an anti-imaging filter for interpolation with an anti-aliasing filter for decimation, we implement one filter with the minimum of the two cutoffs _autogen-svg2png-0004.png and the multiplication of the two DC gains (L and 1), as illustrated in Figure 4.11.

Figure (m10448fig1.png)
Figure 4.11

4.7Digital Filter Design for Interpolation and Decimation*

First we treat filter design for interpolation. Consider an input signal x[n] that is ω0-bandlimited in the DTFT domain. If we upsample by factor L to get v[m] , the desired portion of V(ⅈω) is the spectrum in _autogen-svg2png-0006.png, while the undesired portion is the remainder of [–π, π) . Noting from Figure 4.12 that V(ⅈω) has zero energy in the regions


the anti-imaging filter can be designed with transition bands in these regions (rather than passbands or stopbands). For a given number of taps, the additional degrees of freedom offered by these transition bands allows for better responses in the passbands and stopbands. The resulting filter design specifications are shown in the bottom subplot below.

Figure (m10870fig1.png)
Figure 4.12

Next we treat filter design for decimation. Say that the desired spectral component of the input signal is bandlimited to _autogen-svg2png-0010.png and we have decided to downsample by M. The goal is to minimally distort the input spectrum over _autogen-svg2png-0012.png, i.e., the post-decimation spectrum over [–ω0, ω0)