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applications of understanding human genetic variation at a molecular level.

Lesson 3 uses two vehicles—variable responses to drugs and the

development of treatment strategies targeted at a disease’s biochemical

mechanism—to highlight some of the ways scientists can use molecular

information to improve disease treatment. That is, Lesson 3 focuses on

those portions of Figure 6 (on page 25) that deal with pharmacogenomics

and targeted drug therapy. An extension to Lesson 3 invites students to

consider gene therapy as another strategy made possible by knowledge of

molecular genetics.

Geneticists have long known that there is individual variation in the

response to certain drugs. For example, in the early part of the 20th

century, both Archibald Garrod and J.B.S. Haldane suggested that

biochemical individuality as a function of genetic variation might explain

people’s unusual reactions to drugs and food. By the middle of the 20th

century, biologists had identified several clear associations between certain

genotypes and adverse drug reactions, including adverse reactions by some

people to the drug succinylcholine, which is used as a muscle relaxant

during surgery. If treated with this drug, people who produce a variant of

the enzyme pseudocholinesterase, which normally metabolizes the drug,

are in danger of extended depression of respiratory muscles and can suffer

prolonged periods of apnea (cessation of breathing), which can be fatal.

This is but one example of adverse drug reactions; a study reported in the

April 15, 1998, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association

found that as many as 106,000 hospitalized patients per year had fatal

adverse reactions to drugs. This would rank such reactions between the

fourth and sixth leading causes of death in the United States.

Biologists have also long known that understanding the molecular structure

of a disease-related gene can help them identify potential targets for

intervention. As described in “Understanding Human Genetic Variation,”

a striking example of this approach to combating disease is recent work

on cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease

in the United States, affecting about 30,000 people. Currently, about half

of those affected die by age 30. Since the identification in 1989 of the gene

that is altered in cystic fibrosis, the pace of basic research has increased

rapidly, and scientists are optimistic that they will be able to translate

new knowledge about the molecular basis of the disease to new strategies

to improve patients’ lives. A recent article by scientists from the National

Human Genome Research Institute is an excellent review of the history and

current state of genomic medicine (Green et al., 2011).


In this lesson, students assume the roles of employees of two fictional

pharmaceutical companies, Firm A and Firm B. Each company is facing a

significant challenge related to the development of a new drug. Firm A is

developing a drug to treat asthma. Unfortunately, preliminary test results

show variable and unpredictable effects. Students working as employees of

Firm A must discover an explanation for these results and recommend a

course of action. As students investigate this problem, they learn about the

relationship between genetic variation and individual responses to drugs

and discover one of the ways pharmaceutical companies are beginning to

deal with this issue.

In contrast, Firm B wants to develop a new drug to treat cystic fibrosis.

Students working as employees of Firm B discover first that most current

treatments for this disease address its symptoms and not its cause. Students

are then challenged to identify as many points as possible at which the

biochemical processes underlying this disease could be corrected.

As students investigate this problem, they learn that knowing the sequence

of a disease-related gene and understanding the disease’s biochemical basis

can help scientists develop exciting new approaches to treatment.

Because both pharmacogenomics and targeted drug therapy are still in their

early stages, this lesson is a bit futuristic and you may wish to acknowledge

this to students. It is clear, however, that the era of molecular medicine—

the application of knowledge about the molecular basis of variation to

treating human disease—is already upon us. Although molecular medicine

is just beginning to develop, the field has enormous potential for the

improvement of personal and public health.

Web-Based Activities

In Advance

Steps 4 and 6.

Materials and Preparation

Photocopies and Transparencies

Equipment and Materials

• 1 transparency of Master 3.1

• (Optional) Computers

• 1 copy of Masters 3.2–3.5 for each group

with Internet access

that will complete this part of the lesson

(Firm A)

• 1 transparency and 1 copy of Master 3.6

for each student who will complete this