Universal Algorithms in Signal Processing and Communications by Denver Greene - HTML preview

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Chapter 8Notation*

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2013/05/16 12:48:41 -0500


  • x - input sequence

  • n - length of x

  • x=x1x2...xn, xij=xixi+1...xj

  • α - discrete alphabet

  • r - cardinality of α

  • nx(a) - the number of times that aα appears in x

  • Px(a) - empirical probability

  • Q - the true i.i.d. distribution of x

  • H - entropy

  • D(·∥·) - divergence

  • ⌈·⌉ - rounding up

  • R - rate of source code

  • TQ(δ) - set of inputs that are δ-typical with respect to (w.r.t.) Q

  • C - a code

  • (·)C - complement of set

  • ·T - transpose of vector or matrix

  • l(x) - length of code in bits

  • x'=Sx - step n∈Z, xn'=xn+1

  • θ - parameters of parametric source (can contain multiple scalar parameters)

  • M - number of states of unifilar source

  • S={1,...,M} - states of unifilar source

  • s1,...,sn, - state sequence

  • _autogen-svg2png-0033.png - transition probability

  • _autogen-svg2png-0034.png - next state function

  • Λ - class of parametric models

  • cn - collection of lossless codes for length-n inputs

  • I(·;·) - mutual information

  • rn(l,θ) - how far a coding length function l is from the entropy

  • h2(·) - binary entropy

  • I(·) - Fisher information

  • J(·) - Jeffreys' prior

  • θML - maximum likelihood parameter

  • Rn, Rn+ - min-max and max-min redundancy

  • T - set of leaves of a context tree source

  • s - state of context tree

  • nx(s,a) - number of times that aα appears in context s in x

  • T* - optimal context tree source

  • D - maximal depth of tree source

  • Ts* - optimal tree structure to encode symbols whose context ends with s

  • MDL(s) - minimum description length required for encoding these symbols

  • KT(·,·) - Krichevsky-Trofimov coding length

  • (y,i) - BWT output consisting the permuted sequence and index

  • _autogen-svg2png-0060.png - approximate version of x

  • _autogen-svg2png-0062.png - reproduction alphabet

  • d(·,·) - distortion metric

  • _autogen-svg2png-0064.png - distortion between sequences

  • D - distortion level

  • R(D) - minimal rate such that _autogen-svg2png-0067.png can be described

  • t - temperature in simulated annealing

  • Zt - normalization factor in Boltzmann pmf

  • Nr - recurrence time

