Canned Roaddust by Jozsef Komaromi - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


When I was working on a Danube river tug as a machinist I have

been to the country, in the two towns of Lom and Rousse. But such a

short landing cannot offer you a whole picture of the place. In the

summer of 1982 I had my first opportunity to make a trip to Bulgaria

that lasted some days instead of an hour. I had an assignment to go

there with the saleswoman of the foreign trade company NIKEX to

assist her from our part, as a representative of the producer, in her

export talks. She has been a woman of 40 with an ordinary apper-

ance, but she has been a very precise person. Our trip has involved

the company's export of spare units that year for the Bulgarian state


It has been a very useful trip to me. I have been in Bulgaria only

in Rousse 20 years before, going ashore from a tug. Now I could

see the vast difference between their negotiation style and that of

ours. In the coming years I would visit that country repeatedly, but

completely I would never be accustomed to their ways. During that

trip I have had an experience that made me think of Addis Ababa,

our first year in a high-rise apartment. About my stay in Ethiopia I am

to write in the next section. In our hotel, sitting in my room, I let my

thoughts wander and suddenly I felt myself sitting in my Addis

Ababa room. When this sense left me, I realised I was in Sofia. Then

I guessed the reason: the hotel has been built in the same style,

equipped with the same windows and handles as our apartment in

Africa. Besides, the end-of-May weather with gathering rain clouds,

may be, even an air moisture aroused in me a feeling of the coming

monsoon. And the Vitosha mountain outside impressed me as the

Entoto next to Addis. It was amazing, how this environment remind-

ed me of Addis Ababa.

In my opinion Sofia is so unique in its own way that I have never



seen anything similar neither in my trip to the eastern nor my ones to

the western countries. The only big town that has similarities is Kiev,

the capital of Ukraine. But even that is a forced classification. The

town is a true feudal capital, everything is there (in quantity) that is

needed by the inhabitants, i.e. apartments, water supply, transport,

even hotels and theatres. But the areas around government build-

ings are deserted, everybody knows well that he has nothing to do

there, others are arranging things for him, but without him and in

place of him. Avenues take you everywhere in the town, but you go

a quarter mile in transverse direction and even street lamps disap-

pear, let alone the downgraded state of houses, you doubt that you

are in Europe, an African would feel home in that environment. But

let's see the kitchen of the country. It is excellent, food is tasteful,

only you cannot be sure that would not get something with it that you

don't need: an indigestion hard to cure in many weeks. Also in the

restaurants of fine hotels yoghurt or sausage can do you harm. Oh,

yes, something even more peculiar: I experienced only here, in a

four-star hotel, that during night a loudspeaker shouts in the corridor

that Mr. So and So should hurry down to the reception. A method

sure as death. All hear it, they had better relay the message, unless

it would be shouted some more times.

This trip has established good connections between the sales-

woman and me. We trusted each other and we could work well to-

gether for several years.

Bulgaria had to go without me for a whole year, until I got inquiry

for an export offer of brake components to Bulgaria from one of the

salesmen of the foreign trade company MOGÜRT. I haven't known

him so far, but we made good friends with that young man soon. He

suggested me to meet with our customers at the Plovdiv Inter-

national Fair. My boss, the sales manager of the company nodded

to this topic, he even sent with us the manager of our factory in

Székesfehérvár. The job was not too complicated, we had time for

sightseeing, both in Sofia and Plovdiv.

Plovdiv is situated in a part of the country that belonged to the


Canned roaddust

territory of Macedonia two to three thousand years ago. There are

historic ruins including a great amphitheatre. The place had been

the seat of Philip II, father of Alexander the Great. There are young-

er monuments, too, as the statue of a Russian soldier. People erect-

ed it for the liberator of World War II. It is called Alyosha.

My second visit to that town would not be so easy with an almost

hopeless task and a passive company representative. At the begin-

ning of September 1986 I had to visit Bulgaria to take part in talks

about machine tools in Sofia and after that to travel to Plovdiv and

receive customers at the fair. These have been hard days for me, I

had to work together with two heavy smokers. When we finished our

meeting, I was to be taken to Plovdiv by our representative. I have

never met anybody more unfit for that job. He would not deal with

official tasks at all, until his family did not get their bread and milk. He

had not even thought about that his wife could do shopping. It was

only one day I spent in Plovdiv. For the next afternoon we agreed to

meet for my return trip. He was so late that I thought he was not

coming at all.

The point followed the next morning. He did not come to my

hotel to take me to the airport. When I considered time ripe, I called

a taxi and caught the plane.

When we were meeting in our office two months later, he told me

he was waiting me at the reception of the hotel “Balkan”. I had told

him that evening “Bulgaria”. And it was a great difference. No

ordinary sales engineer would have been allowed to take a suit for

150 dollars, when he had a sum of 70 levas for accommodation (40

dollars). Not an unimportant difference, at least two stars.

My last visit to that beautiful medieval land happened in January

1987, when I took part in a bilateral meeting within the Comecon in

the topic of machine tools in Sofia. Well, I think, according to news

reports I have seen in the TV, the revolutionary changes during the

last decade have altered everything there.

