Dallas County: A 21st Century Mosaic by Jan Almon (narrative)/Mary Ann Sherman(photography - HTML preview

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volume and reputation and became known

as one of the industry leaders in Oriental rug

cleaning, repair, appraisals and sales.

Ellen Amirkhan entered the business in

1980, bringing the communication skills of a

teacher, the teamwork skills of an athlete and

an astute sense of good business.

Ellen, who serves as president of the firm,

is a graduate of Texas Woman’s University

and Southern Methodist University. A past

From founding grandfather, to son, to

president of the Association of Specialists

granddaughter, Oriental Rug Cleaning

in Cleaning and Restoration, the National

Company of Dallas has been the expert in rug

Institute of Rug Cleaning and the North

cleaning and restoration for over 100 years.

Texas Chapter of the International Society

Above: Oriental Rug Cleaning Company,

The company specializes in cleaning and

of Appraisers, Ellen develops and teaches

c. 2010.

repairing all types of rugs and textiles in

Oriental rug schools for rug and appraisal

addition to selling one-of-a-kind Persian rugs.

groups across the United States, United

Below: Horse and wagon for pick-up and

The company was founded in 1911 by

Kingdom and Australia.

delivery, c. 1913.

H. Mirza Amirkhan, Sr., an Armenian born in

In November 2010, Oriental Rug Cleaning

Silvan, Turkey, in 1888. Orphaned at a young

Co. was one of twenty-six companies from

age, H. M. came to the U.S. in 1909 searching

the United States and Canada to provide

for freedom and opportunity. To pay for his

financial and administrative support in the

passage on the SS Volturno, he agreed to work

establishment of the Association of Rug Care

as an apprentice for a cousin’s rug cleaning

Specialists (ARCS). ARCS was founded to

and repair business in Cincinnati, Ohio.

promote the highest standards and ensure

H. M. repaid his debt, learned the trade,

that the bar of excellence is continuously

and after stops in Chattanooga, Tennessee,

raised for current and future generations of

and New Orleans, he arrived in Dallas in

rug care specialists.

1911 to start his own business at 2105 South

The next generation of leadership is in

Ervay. The new company prospered and in

good hands with Armen Dohanian III and

1919 he built his own two-story building

Jennifer Vickery. Both come from a rug and

at 3907 Ross Avenue. A second building

floor covering background and bring tradi-

was added in 1926 and these two structures

tional business values with their generation’s

continue to house the Oriental Rug Cleaning

modern technology. The Dohanian, Vickery

Company today.

and Amirkhan families have been friends

A marketing piece, c. 1918, consisted of

for sixty years so Oriental is still a “family”

customer testimonials that read like a “who’s

run company.

who” of Dallas’ oldest and respected families.

Armen is a fourth generation rug cleaner

The list includes Mrs. Charles Sanger,

who began working in his family’s

Mrs. Sam P. Cochran, Mrs. Rose Titche,

business, Bon Ton Rug Cleaners in Boston,

Mrs. Hugh Prather, and Mrs. Henry Exall.

Massachusetts, as a teenager. In 2007,

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he joined Oriental Rug Cleaning Company,

education, training, product knowledge,

where he is vice president and responsible for

customer service and personal, hands-on

the cleaning operations. He is a certified rug

management of the entire operation. Rug

specialist with the Association of Rug Care

cleaning is more challenging today than

Specialists and a certified master rug cleaner.

in the past because of the many different

Armen serves on the board of directors

combinations of construction, materials and

of the Association of Rug Care Specialists,

dyes. Not relying on past glory, the company

an international trade association dedicated

stays abreast of the latest techniques and

to advancing the art and science of quality

equipment and implements these innovations

rug care. He is a graduate of Johns Hopkins

to deliver the most thorough rug cleaning

University and holds a master’s degree from

by the most knowledgeable staff in the state

the Manhattan School of Music.

of Texas.

Jennifer joined Oriental Rug Cleaning as

Amirkhan believes there are ten secrets to

office manager in 2010, becoming the fourth

success in a family business:

Above: Armen Dohanian, plant manager,

generation of her family to be involved in

• The business is more important than

working in the dry room.

the Dallas flooring industry. Prior to that,

personal disagreements;

she worked in textile project management.

• Respect the past and those that came

Left: Oriental family and staff at

She is a certified master rug cleaner and a

before you;

100 year celebration: left to right, front row,

2004 graduate of Texas A&M University.

• Passion for your work;

Armen Dohanian III, H. M. Amirkhan, Jr.

• Customer service;

Second row, left to right: Jennifer Vickery,

• Financial responsibility;

Inez Amirkhan, Ellen Amirkhan and

• Service to the industry and community/

Susan Nelson.

association membership;

• Superior product knowledge, education

and training;

• Ability to change;

• Team work; and

• Take care of your employees, they are

family, too.

Since 1911, the family’s mission remains

the same, “First in, last out, be the best we

can be and deliver the best job we can.”

The business has been successful for

For more information please visit our

over 100 years because of the emphasis on

website at www.dallasrugcleaner.com.


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Dexter & Company, Inc., in Dallas is the

In 1894, George sold his interest in the


second oldest business still in operation and

agency to Charles. George—after living and

the city’s oldest insurance agency.

working for eighteen years in Dallas—accepted


When George J. Dexter & Co. opened

a position as manager of two fire insurance

its doors on March 1, 1876, 4,000 people

companies based in Atlanta, Georgia. When

lived in Dallas and General W. L. Cabell

George moved South, Charles became the

was mayor. Richard Coke was governor

agency’s sole proprietor and the agency

and General Ulysses S. Grant was in the

became Chas. L. Dexter & Co.

White House.

Texas citizens had

adopted a new State

Constitution, marking the

end of Reconstruction. It

was a time of great expec-

tations for the nation and

the tiny city of Dallas.

There was a magic

about Dallas in 1876, and

George sensed it. It lured

him from Canada to begin

a career in insurance. In

1878, he would urge

his brother, Charles, to

leave Canada and join him in his promising

Six years later, Dallas’ population had

new venture.

grown to 43,000. Horseless carriages were

Within months, the two brothers would

the newest sign of a progressive era. In 1907,

combine forces to create an insurance agency

Charles’ son, George, joined the insurance

that would survive for more than 135 years.

company and following an apprenticeship

The brothers shared part of a building on

of several years, was granted full membership

the north side of Main Street, across from two

in the growing firm. Two years after George

saloons and a barber shop.

joined the firm, J. Robert Carter joined the

firm as an associate.

In 1912, George’s brother,

Charles, was admitted to firm

membership, establishing a sec-

ond generation of Dexter broth-

ers who would guide the compa-

ny well past the new century’s

halfway mark.

Chas. L. Dexter & Co. greatest

growth came in the years follow-

Clockwise, starting from the top, left:

ing the entry of this second

generation of Dexter brothers.

George J. Dexter.

In the late 1800s, Dallas residents bought

They witnessed the city’s unbelievable

insurance as protection from fire losses.

growth, from a 1910 population of 92,104

Dexter & Company’s first office.

The agency wrote coverage for the area’s

to 432,927 in 1951.

leading businesses, insuring everything

The third generation of Dexters joined the

Left to right, J. Robert Carter, Sr.,

from farm wagons to cowboy saddles.

firm in 1940s. Charles Dexter, Jr., went to

and Charles L. Dexter, 1912.

Their clients included high-risk businesses:

work for the agency in 1942.

saloons, upholsterers, book binders and

In the 1940s, they were concerned about

Founder, Chas. L. Dexter, Sr.

photography galleries.

a new and different threat—war. A policy

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Clockwise, starting from the top, left:

The business scene of 1915 was dominated

by the Kirby Building, the Southwestern

Life Building and the Adolphus Hotel.

In the left foreground is the old Guaranty

Bank Building where Chas. L. Dexter &

Company had its offices.

By 1922, Dallas was coming out of

post-World War I Depression. Its population

was around 175,000, and one of its greatest

periods of growth and construction was

already under way.

$20, with the agency receiv-

George L. Dexter.

ing a $1 commission.

Bill Davis and Bob Carter

Left to right, John Fitzgerald, Bob Carter

joined forces in 1992. Not

and Bill Davis of Dexter & Co., 1992.

only were grandfathers of

both associated with Dexter,

Charles Dexter, Jr.

but Carter’s father was

president until his death

in 1980. Davis and Carter

purchased Charles L. Dexter

from the Resolution Trust

in 1993.

Today, Davis serves as its

written in 1942 insured a Lemmon Avenue

CEO and Carter as its president. They both

building and its $20,000 in contents against

strive to deliver the same good service the

“enemy attack.” The annual premium totaled

agency has provided for the last 138 years.


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Irresistible products. Rewarding opportu-

More than 3 million people around the

nity. Positive community impact. That is the

world have Mary Kay businesses. The over-

heart and soul of Dallas icon and cosmetics

whelming majority of Mary Kay Independent

powerhouse Mary Kay Inc. Since its humble

Beauty Consultants are women, and that is

beginnings more than fifty years ago, Mary

exactly what Mary Kay Ash envisioned.

Kay has enriched the lives of millions of

After Mary Kay Ash retired from a success-

women around the world.

ful career in direct selling, she sat down at

With only $5,000 and help from her twenty

her kitchen table to write two lists. One list

year old son, Richard Rogers, Mary Kay Ash

contained what she liked about her career in

opened the doors of “Beauty by Mary Kay” in

direct sales, and the other list contained the

a 500 square foot storefront in Dallas with nine

things she would do differently if she had her

Independent Beauty Consultants and nine skin

own company. When she was finished she

care and color cosmetic products on a single

realized she had created her dream business

metal shelf on Friday, September 13, 1963.

model and wanted to share it with other

Since then, Mary Kay has become a house-

women. Even though Mary Kay’s career had

hold name around the world and one of the

been successful, she was often passed up

largest direct selling companies with $3.5 billion

for promotions by men she had trained.

in annual sales, 3 million Independent Beauty

Understanding that other women were hitting

Consultants and more than 200 skin care and

the same glass ceiling she did, Mary Kay decid-

color cosmetics products sold in more than

ed to start her own business that would offer

thirty-five countries worldwide.

women a flexible business opportunity, person-

Mary Kay’s very first product line con-

al growth and financial independence. While

tained four skin care and five color cosmetics

a lot has changed since 1963, the business

products. Today, Mary Kay’s award-winning

model for Mary Kay has remained consistent.

product portfolio is a robust collection of skin

Mary Kay’s Independent Beauty Consultants

care, color cosmetics and fragrances that have

make up a wide variety of women including

received more than 800 patents for product

doctors, moms, nurses, lawyers, corporate

formulation and package design.

professionals, military personnel, teachers,

Combining art and science to deliver results

college students—the list goes on. Some

customers want, Mary Kay spends millions

choose to run their Mary Kay businesses

of dollars each year conducting more than a

part-time, while others use it as a primary

half-million tests to ensure products meet the

source of income. Many of these women

highest standards of safety, consistency and

enjoy the vast rewards available for selling

performance. These tests and evaluations have

Mary Kay products including vacations, gifts

led to award-winning products including top

and earning the use of Mary Kay Career Cars

beauty editor’s picks, best-selling products and

including the iconic Mary Kay pink Cadillac

the well-known Good Housekeeping Seal®.

and the new Mary Kay black BMW 320i.

Although Dallas is home to Mary Kay’s

Mary Kay was an innovative business

world headquarters and manufacturing facili-

leader with a big heart. She understood the

ty, Mary Kay® products are tailored for each

importance of giving back, and to this day,

specific international region. This strategy

Mary Kay is a company committed to making

helped establish Mary Kay as a top beauty

a positive community impact by enriching

brand and leading direct seller.

the lives of women and children.

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facility in Dallas is among leaders in the indus-

try, achieving zero-landfill status, and many

Mary Kay distribution centers ship orders

using 100 percent biodegradable packing

materials—“biopeanuts” made from renewable

corn and potato starch. Even the Mary Kay®

Botanical Effects® product line was designed

with the environment in mind. The tubes are

made from fifty percent post-consumer resin

and the caps and outer cartons are made from

100 percent post-consumer recycled materials.

In the United States, Mary Kay is commit-

Mary Kay’s global cause-related marketing

ted to helping women and children by

program, Beauty That Counts®, donates money

bringing an end to domestic violence. In

from specific Mary Kay® products to organi-

2012, Mary Kay started the Don’t Look Away

zations that change the lives of women and

campaign urging families, friends and

children around the world. Since Beauty That

acquaintances to take action when they

Counts® began in 2008, Mary Kay has donated

suspect someone may be in an unhealthy

millions of dollars to these organizations.

relationship. As part of this campaign, Mary

Mary Kay Ash’s goal of enriching women’s

Kay donated $1 million to “loveisrespect,”

lives may have started out small in Dallas,

becoming the lead sponsor of the nation’s

but has grown into a global company that

first text message help service. This “text for

helps women feel beautiful with irresistible

help” program allows young people to

products, offers a rewarding opportunity for

connect anonymously with a trained peer

women to achieve financial independence

advocate and learn about healthy dating

and makes a positive community impact.

relationships. By educating others about the

Few companies can compare to Mary Kay’s

warning signs of abuse, how to seek help and

rich history—a history that would be non-

find available resources, this program is

existent if one woman had not dared to make

designed to break the cycle of dating abuse

her dream a reality. Mary Kay showed the

and domestic violence before it begins.

world that one woman can be ahead of her

Additionally, Mary Kay continuously seeks

time, inspire, dream, blaze trails and make a

opportunities to reduce its carbon footprint

difference in the lives of millions of people

around the world. Mary Kay’s Pink Doing

around the world. Her legacy and company

Green® program is committed to planting more

lives on through her family, Mary Kay

than one million trees with extensive tree

Independent Beauty Consultants, corporate

planting and reforestation efforts in China,

employees and millions of brand lovers who

Russia, Mexico, Malaysia and the United

look forward to watching the next fifty years

States. Also, Mary Kay’s global manufacturing

of company history unfold.


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Ryan, LLC was founded in 1991 by

Ryan is the fastest-growing major tax services

Chairman and CEO G. Brint Ryan, using his

firm in the United States since 2010. The

Above: Chairman and CEO G. Brint Ryan,

credit card to lease nine hundred square feet

Firm has also been ranked for the past three

founded the Firm in 1991.

of office space in Dallas. Today, Ryan is a

years in the Inc. 5,000 list of fastest-growing

global tax services firm with the largest indi-

private companies.

Below: Ryan’s dynamic flexible work

rect and property tax practices in North

Ryan’s growth is driven by a core purpose:

environment, called myRyan , is widely

America and the seventh largest corporate tax

“To liberate clients from the burden of being

recognized as the most innovative in the

practice in the United States.

overtaxed, freeing their capital to invest, grow,

tax services industry.

The Firm has more than 65 offices and

and thrive.” They provide a comprehe