Dallas County: A 21st Century Mosaic by Jan Almon (narrative)/Mary Ann Sherman(photography - HTML preview

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In one such occurrence in 1961, an alarm

performed a background check on the man.

response was received in the Central Station of

The check revealed he was a convicted sex


Smith Detective Agency in the early hours of

offender. After the manager notified the patrol-

the morning. The Dallas Police, who were also

man and the police officer of his discovery,

notified, and the Smith Detective patrolmen

the police brought the man in for questioning.

arrived at the scene just four minutes later.

The investigation uncovered a photo of the

Upon arrival, Smith patrolmen noted the

suspect using the ATM card of one of the girls

front door was broken open. Police entered

he had assaulted. With DNA and fingerprint

the building and apprehended two perpetra-

evidence, along with a witness description of

tors. The Smith patrolmen remained on

the man’s car, police arrested him. Tied to a

premises waiting for the arrival of the

number of rapes in the area, he was tried and

property owner, while the police took the

convicted for his crimes.

burglars to jail. The alarm response, arrest

More recently, in 2013, The Village was

and report took place in only thirty minutes.

named one of the safest neighborhoods in East

In another incident, while on foot patrol of

Dallas because of Smith Protective Services,

a complex for which Smith provides security,

according to a Dallas Morning News analysis.

the officer noticed a man matching the

Providing exceptionally personalized service

description of a serial rapist who had

is the hallmark of the Smith family’s security

been assaulting women in the area. The man

business. When its founder, George Smith, was

was unsuccessfully attempting to get into a

a detective in the Dallas Police Department,

bedroom window.

local merchants requested him by name to

Upon confirming that his backup had

assist in their fraud and theft related cases.

arrived, the officer approached the man

As the community of Dallas grew, George

who then attempted to flee

reasoned the demand for security would grow

the scene. Despite the man

as well. In 1903 he and his wife Mary estab-

being combative, Smith

lished Smith Nightwatch. As the night watch-

officers successfully appre-

man service progressed, additional divisions

hended him. The police

were added to include private detectives, as

were alerted and arrived at

well as burglar and fire alarm services.

the scene.

In time, George and Mary’s four children—

The suspect provided

George, Jr., Andrew, Hurley and Janice—each

identification, and explained

took their place in the business. As Dallas

to police’s satisfaction why

continued to grow and prosper, so did the

he was attempting to force

company. During Prohibition and the Great

the window. He further

Depression, companies relied on the Smith

explained that he was a local

family to provide their security.

Eventually, George, Jr., and Hurley divided

the Smith Nightwatch business divisions

among them, while Andrew pioneered some-

thing new. While serving in the U.S. Coast

Guard during World War II, Andrew was

introduced to the use of polygraph. Following

the war, he attended the Keeler Polygraph

Institute in Chicago. In the early 1950s he

started one of the country’s first commercial

polygraph companies. A savvy marketer,

Andrew did not brand the polygraph as a

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“lie detection” service, but instead

identified it as “truth verification.”

Truth Verification, Inc., grew into

the largest polygraph company in

the world at that time.

As Andrew’s company pros-

pered, Hurley retired and sold

the Nightwatch and patrol opera-

tions—which now offered fire

extinguisher and janitorial servic-

es—back to Andrew. The new

company formed by reacquisition

was called Smith Protective

Services, Inc. Before Andrew’s

passing in 1976, he had opened

branches in Fort Worth, San

Antonio, Houston and Austin.

Two of Andrew’s sons, Clayton

and Mark, continue to manage the

business today. Under their lead-

ership, Smith Protective Services

divested itself of the alarm, fire

extinguisher and janitorial services divisions.

The polygraph industry was effectively

dismantled by Congress when it limited

polygraph for employment screening to

government employees only. Changing with

the times, Clayton and Mark have since

replaced those enterprises with a digital

security and access control division. They

have also added the first staffing agency,

Smith Personnel Solutions, to be merged with

a protection agency.

Headquartered in Dallas, the company cur-

rently has three divisions serving its clients:

• Smith Protective Services provides a full

range of security officer and patrol services

to government facilities, commercial real

than 2,500 employees, the company has a

estate, multifamily communities, and more.

number of clients that have remained loyal to

• Smith Personnel Solutions provides tempo-

Smith for fifty years.

rary, temp-to-hire and direct hire staffing

Recently, Clayton and Mark began the

for light industrial, assembly, warehouse,

process of passing ownership of the company

clerical, and administrative fields.

to their children, Aaron, Kimberly, Alex and

• Smith Electronic Security provides the latest

Elliott. The Smith family business has earned

technology in video surveillance, access con-

its reputation by serving its clients with

trol, and alarm solutions for their customers.

distinction. The company’s ability to deliver

Smith operates five security branches, one

consistent results—generation after genera-

each in Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio

tion—distinguishes them as part of the

and Houston. It also operates four staffing

exclusive three percent of family-owned

branches, one each in Dallas, Fort Worth,

businesses that successfully transition to a

Cleburne and Grand Prairie. Employing more

fourth generation.


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Founded in 1863 by Alexander MacRae

Growth steadily continued, with a boom in

Dechman, Grand Prairie began as a stagecoach

the 2000s resulting in a new home being built

stop between Dallas and Fort Worth. In the early

every four hours and being named a fastest

1870s, to assure the town’s survival, Dechman

growing city in the nation in 2005. And, in 2008

gave every other lot on Main Street to the Texas

the city’s park system won “best in the nation”

& Pacific Railroad to ensure a depot was built

status from the National Recreation and Parks

downtown. The railroad began running through

Association. By 2013, Grand Prairie’s popula-

Above: Voters approved a quarter-cent sales

town in 1876, bringing prosperity with it.

tion had grown to a little more than 178,000.

tax for continual park improvements to

The need for local rules pushed residents to

With citizens having approved sales taxes to

ensure an active lifestyle and high quality

vote for incorporation in 1909. Since then,

pay for street improvements, park improvements

of life. The city’s parks system earned the

Grand Prairie has grown from a hamlet of

and public safety, Grand Prairie’s quality of life

“best in nation” Gold Medal Award from the

1,107 in 1910 to the fifteenth largest city in

gets top marks in citizen surveys year after year.

National Recreation and Parks Association.

Texas and seventh largest in the Dallas-

From the thunder of Thoroughbreds at Lone Star

Ft. Worth area in 2013. The fastest growth

Park Class I Racetrack to the roar of applause at

Below: Thoroughbreds began racing at

came with the arrival of North American

Verizon Concert Theatre, the laughter of families

Lone Star Park in 1997.

Aviation in 1941 when workers built 20,000

at Lake Joe Pool to the squeals of treasures

planes during World War II. In ten years, the

found at the Grand Prairie Premium Outlet Mall,

Bottom: Lake Joe Pool opened in 1989.

town grew from 1,500 to 15,000.

Grand Prairie enjoys an active, outdoor lifestyle.

More than 10 million visitors a year enjoy

the many tourist attractions, concerts, events

and activities all over town, including Traders

Village, Farmers Market, the AirHogs (an inde-

pendent, AA-level, professional baseball team),

Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!, the Palace of Wax,

the historic Uptown Theater, Prairie Lights

drive-through holiday light display, and the

campgrounds at Loyd Park on the lake.

Crisscrossed by Interstates 20 and 30, State

Highways 161 and 360, and Spurs 12 and 303,

getting here from anywhere is easy. Just min-

utes from DFW Airport, downtown Dallas or

downtown Fort Worth, Grand Prairie is ideally

located for fast and easy access, one of the

many reasons Grand Prairie is a business mecca

featuring the nation’s largest planned industrial

park, the Great Southwest Industrial District.

Known for its can-do, friendly attitude,

families who have lived here for generations

welcome newcomers who move to Grand

Prairie for the same reasons the natives do not

leave—location and hometown atmosphere.

A city of promise, a city of growth, a city

of location, Grand Prairie continues into the

future on its path of success. Visit gptx.org

for more information.

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With a diverse population of more than

through the Irving Economic Development


216,000 residents, the City of Irving is truly

Partnership (IEDP). The partnership consists


an international city. Strategically located

of public and private investors and is

in the center of the Dallas-Fort Worth

overseen by the Greater Irving-Las Colinas

Metroplex, Irving provides an outstanding

Chamber of Commerce—Texas’s first nation-

quality of life.

ally accredited 5-star Chamber which

works to advance, create and pro-

mote economic development for

more than 9,000 business and

community organizations.

Economic development in Irving

is expected to increase dramatical-

ly with the addition of nearly

$6 billion in newly planned invest-

ments: 5.9 million square-feet of

commercial and residential space,

12,000 residential units, 1,000

hotel rooms, 30,000 new residents,

15,000 new jobs and 8 million

The city is home to cultural venues for

annual visitors. In addition, Irving was recent-

visual and performing arts, North Texas’s

ly ranked number three for tech startups per

largest office park, renowned golf courses and

capita in the United States by American

excellent educational systems, making it a great

Express through research conducted by

place to live, work, play and raise a family.


Irving is the first city in Texas and

the second in the nation to earn the

Malcom Baldrige Quality Award.

Irving residents enjoy nationally

recognized educational systems, a

host of employment opportunities in

a thriving business environment

and one of the most comprehensive

transportation systems in the nation,

which provides easy access to a

multitude of cultural, recreational,

shopping and dining experiences.

Irving boasts numerous residential

selections with intricate parks and trail

Irving’s unique public art draws in visitors

systems, from century-old historical neigh-

from around the world. The Mustangs of

borhoods to new and vibrant planned

Las Colinas, the world’s largest equestrian

communities, such as Las Colinas and

sculpture with nine larger-than-life bronze

Valley Ranch, which have gained national

mustangs, creates a breathtaking view at

attention. Las Colinas is also home to beauti-

Williams Square Plaza. Atop Bluebonnet Hill

ful championship golf courses—including

at State Highway 114 and Rochelle Road,

the Tournament Players Course at the Four

the Marble Cow Sculpture, a herd of five

Seasons where the HP Byron Nelson

sculpted cows, pays tribute to the community’s

Championship is hosted annually—as well as

ranching heritage.

several private country clubs.

A progressive North Texas community,

Five Fortune 500 companies operate global

Irving is the place to start a business, put

headquarters in Irving, and the city continues

down roots for your family, host an event,

to showcase impressive accomplishments

or enjoy a weekend getaway.


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As the area’s leading membership-


driven business organization, the

Dallas Regional Chamber is leading


the Dallas region to become the most

economically prosperous region and

the most desirable place to live and


work in the United States.

For more than 100 years, the

Chamber has focused on economic

development and has been commit-

ted to promoting an entrepreneurial

and innovative culture. The organi-

zation is responsible for bringing

Southern Methodist University to

Dallas in 1911, successfully lobby-

ing for the 11th Federal Reserve

System district to come to Dallas in

1913 and providing land for an

aviation field that would become

Love Field in 1917. In the years that

Above: The Dallas Regional Chamber was

followed, the Chamber also played

formed in 1909 when four Dallas business

a part in bringing the State Fair of

groups merged. Today, the Dallas Regional

Texas, UT Southwestern, the Dallas County

AT&T, Cisco, Comerica, Copart, Deloitte,

Chamber works collaboratively throughout

Hospital District and mass transit to the

Fidelity Investments, Fluor, Golden Living,

the region.

region, helping to make Dallas a fantastic

Texas Instruments and many, many more.

place to live, work and play.

Looking towards the future, the Chamber

Below: The Dallas Regional Chamber, the

Today, the Dallas Regional Chamber works

is building on the foundation laid by a suc-

region’s leading membership driven business

diligently to help make the region more

cessful history, actively pursuing initiatives

organization, has over 2,100 members

prosperous. The organization is actively

designed to continue to support and grow a

representing all facets of the North Texas

recruiting companies to move to or expand

vibrant local business community. Leadership

business community, including sole

in the area in order to boost job and GDP

and networking programs empower members

proprietors, small and medium-sized

growth and drive the economy. The

to excel, public policy initiatives amplify

businesses and large corporations,

Chamber’s recent economic development

the voice of business and entrepreneurial

as well as academia and other nonprofits.

initiatives have helped secure one of three

initiatives expand Dallas’ reputation as a

The Chamber is committed to providing

U.S. Patent Office satellite locations for

leader in innovation.

our members with the resources they need

downtown Dallas, and supported the reloca-

The Dallas Regional Chamber is dedicated

for their business to excel.

tion or expansion of companies such as

to enabling the business community to work

together to solve public policy issues and drive

meaningful change throughout the region.

The organization and its members continue to

advocate for business-friendly laws and regu-

lations at the local, state and national levels

to ensure companies and their employees

thrive, and work diligently with the education

community to ensure students graduate with

the skills needed to succeed and businesses

have access to talented employees.

The future is bright in Dallas and you

belong here. To learn more, please visit

www.dallaschamber.org or call the Dallas

Regional Chamber at 214-746-6600.

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After a decade of changing economic

than a million offers; and LenderCenter®, the

cycles, declining values across the country for

first electronic property preservation solution

commercial and residential assets, and a

in use by sixty financial institutions managing

major downturn in the real estate industry,

three million government-insured properties.

forward-thinking Nancy Tartaglino Richards

Headquartered in Dallas, the woman-

had an epiphany.

owned business has become a well-respected

On February 14, 1988, she formed First

leader in the real estate industry. The compa-

Preston HT, the first in a family of companies

ny’s reputation is based on exemplary service

that includes First Preston Management, Inc.

and intelligent technologies, a unique combi-

and HomeTelos, LP, all with the goal of

nation that has positioned her companies well

helping to turn the downward trend around.

for the future. “Over the past two decades, we

And, turn it around, she has.

have watched the changing economic cycles;

Since the company’s founding twenty-five

and, we have continued to create innovative

years ago, First Preston HT has become one of

solutions to achieve the best outcomes for

the largest residential asset management and

clients with large portfolios of real estate

real estate technology firms in the United

assets,” says Richards.

States. To its record, First Preston HT has sold

An important principle for Richards is

more than 440,000 properties for clients by

giving back to the community and helping

combining exemplary services and innovative

young entrepreneurs. Through the company’s

technology. Basically, the company creates

“We Care” and community outreach effort,

customized solutions, managing large portfo-

it partners with local nonprofits such as

lios of real estate assets owned by government

the Dallas Women’s Foundation and Habitat

agencies, financial institutions, and real estate

for Humanity. She and her business partner,

investors. In addition, it has developed and

Lisa Barrentine, endowed the Richards

patented several industry-specific technolo-

Barrentine Business Plan Competition under

gies that helped streamline the industry.

the TCU Values and Venture Program, an

Among the patents are HomeTracker®, the

international competition for undergraduate

first online, end-to-end workflow and asset

entrepreneurs establishing self-sustaining

management system for the Real Estate

business with meaning.

Owned (REO) industry, currently utilized by

Today, the company manages 35,000

some 45,000 vendors in the industry;

assets annually for financial institutions,

BidSelect®, the first combination of an online

portfolio investors and government agencies,

real estate marketplace with customized offer

directing a vendor network of 11,000

management workflow, used to sell 200,000

listing brokers, appraisers and property

properties, and to generate and review more

management professionals.


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