I Ran Away to Mexico by Laura Labrie - HTML preview

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Why do we manifest the things we do? I pray for the perfect mate and synchronicity arrives at my doorstep all tall dark and handsome. Signs everywhere confirm this is the right one, my soul mate. The stars sing together and the flowers bloom and every car license plate I drive by bears the name of my new found love.

And slowly I discover this person is out to kill me.

Why? I asked. I prayed. I followed the signs. Everything seemed so perfect.

It was.

I got exactly what I asked for.

Our deep inner desires pull from the far-flung reaches of the universe. They gather the things we ask for. So why do we end up with things that hurt us?

Because that is what we asked for.

Look deep inside yourself. Do you have a controlling lover? Then somewhere down in the depths of your soul, you want to be controlled.

Now I am sure by this time, you must be angry at me or getting ready to throw my words aside. But please don’t, because my desire is for your healing. This information is powerful. It can set you free. If you can put aside your feeling of offense and unemotionally take a look at what you are attracting, you can find the root of your pain. And if you can find the root of it, then you can discover the lie you are believing and you can re-program your brain.

You will attract what you long for. So look at what you are attracting to discover what you really desire.

Let’s go back to the example of the person who attracts a controlling mate. What power to realize they want to be controlled! Now the question is why? What happened long ago? What do they believe about themselves? What defense mechanism do they no longer need?

Perhaps they felt they needed to be punished. Perhaps their sister died in a car accident when they were three and they tried to tell her not to get in the car but she didn’t listen. Perhaps they felt the death was their fault and now they desire to pay the piper and that equates to eternal punishment.

It sounds sick, I know. But we do these things to ourselves, most of the time without even realizing it. And we need to get free.

Take time to sit with the reality of your life, the things that keep coming to you and do not serve you. Ask yourself what common thread you see. If you can identify the common thread, you can discover what the deep, dark resources of your soul desires. This is where healing begins.

When you identify the darkness inside you, hold it up to the light. Is it truth? It never is. Even if you have done something terrible and you feel you can never be forgiven. Forgiveness is possible. Run to Heaven. Pour out your pain and find the sweet balm of love that flows from All Goodness and washes away your guilt and your stain.

Truth sets us free.

It sets us free from a lifetime of self-abuse. The Truth of the universe, the Grid that holds all things together is Love. Love heals. Love forgives. Love believes.

Allow Love to shed its light on the lies you laid hold of. And I tell you the truth, Love will set you free.