Cubase VST-Score Printing and Layout by - HTML preview

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Dragging Staves

The following operations can be made using the regular Arrow or the Layout Arrow Tool, it doesn’t matter. However, dragging staves can only be done in Page Mode.

Adding Space between two Grand Staves

1. Locate the first Staff in the lower of the two systems you wish to spread apart. 2. Clicking just to the left of the first bar line and keep the mouse button down. The entire staff is inverted.

3. Drag downwards or upwards and then release the mouse.
The system you dragged has now moved down and all the systems below it have moved with it.

Before... ... and after dragging the upper system, to make room.

Setting the same Distance between all Grand Staves

1. Hold down the [Alt] key.
2. Drag the first staff of the second system, until you have the correct distance between this and the first system.
3. Release the mouse button and the [Alt] key.


All systems will now be the same distance apart as the one you dragged and that above it. P This operation affects the system you drag and all following systems.

Setting the Distance between Staves within a Grand Staff

1. Locate the Staff you wish to spread apart.
Click just to the left of its first bar line and keep the mouse button down. The entire staff gets inverted.

2. Drag downwards or upwards and then release the mouse.
The staff you dragged has now moved down and all the other staves in the system are adjusted accordingly.

Dragging the staves in a piano system apart.

Setting the same Distance between Staves in several Systems

1. Hold down the [Alt] key.
2. Drag the desired staff as described above.
3. Release the mouse button and [Alt] key.


The corresponding staves in all following systems are moved accordingly.

Moving one Staff only

You may wish to move one staff without affecting any other staff in any way: 1. Hold down the [Ctrl] key.
2. Drag any staff as described above.

Moving Staves between Pages

By using the “Move To Next/Prev. Page” commands on the Format submenu, you can quickly edit the page breaks:


Moving Staves to the Next Page

1. Locate the staff you want to move to the top of the next page, and make it the Active Staff.
This can be any staff except the first staff one on the page.

2. Pull down the Score menu and select “Move To Next Page” from the Format submenu. The Active Staff (and any following staves on the page) are moved to the next page.


Moving Staves to the Previous Page

1. Make the staff at the top of the page the Active Staff.
If any other staff is Active, Move To Prev. Page will be greyed out. Also, the function will not work for the first staff on the first page.

2. Pull down the Score menu and select “Move To Prev. Page” from the Format submenu. The Active Staff, and as many of the following staves as there are room for, are moved to the previous page. If the previous page is “full” already, nothing will happen.