Cubase VST-Score Printing and Layout by - HTML preview

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Moving Bar Lines

The following operations can be made using the regular Arrow or the Layout Arrow Tool, it doesn’t matter.

Moving a Bar Line

If you drag a bar line to the left or right, the surrounding measures are adjusted proportionally.

Moving Bar Lines on All Staves

If you hold down [Alt] when dragging a bar line, all bar lines below the one you drag will be moved accordingly.

Moving a single Bar Line separately

If you hold down [Ctrl] while dragging a bar line, the widths of the surrounding bars are not affected.

Making an Indent on one Line

• To create an indent, simply drag the first or last bar line on a staff. The sizes of all measures are adjusted proportionally.


Before and after dragging the first bar line on the first staff.

Making Indents on several Lines

If you hold down [Alt] and drag the first or last bar line in a system, all following systems will get the same indent. If you want all lines on all pages to be indented in the same way, hold down [Alt] and drag the appropriate bar line on the first system of the score.

The last Bar Line in the Piece

Cubase VST attempts to move the last bar line and space the bars on the last line in a sensible way, but you can change this manually by dragging the last bar line if you like. You can also double click on it if you want another type of bar line than the default.

Resetting Bar Spacing

To reset the bar spacing to standard values for several lines, proceed as follows: 1. Locate the first line for which you want to reset the bar spacing, and make one staff in that system active.

2. Select “Number Of Bars” from the Format submenu on the Score menu.
3. Specify the number of bars that you already have on the line.

4. Click on “This System Only”.
Optionally, you might reset “All Systems” or “ All Following Systems” lines at the same times, as described on page 274.

5. Click OK to close the dialog.


The bar spacing is reset for the currently selected staff and all following staves.