Cubase VST-Score Printing and Layout by - HTML preview

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Breaking Bar Lines

Sometimes you may not want a bar line to stretch all the way across a grand staff. In this case you might “break it”.

Breaking Bar Lines in one Grand Staff

1. Select the Eraser Tool.

2. Click on a bar line connecting the two staves.
All bar lines between these two staves (except the first and last) are broken. To break the first or last bar line in a Grand Staff, you need to click directly on these.

Before and after splitting the bar lines between two staves.

Breaking Bar Lines in several Grand Staves

If you hold down [Alt] and click on a bar line as above, the corresponding bar lines are broken in all following Grand Staves.

Re-connecting Broken Bar Lines

If you have broken the bar lines, you can use the Glue Tube Tool to connect them again.


1. Select the Glue Tube Tool.
2. Click on one of the bar lines in the staff above the broken bar lines.


All bar lines between these staves in this Grand Staff are connected.

• To re-connect bar-lines in several Grand Staves, hold down [Alt] and click with the Glue Tube tool as above.
The bar lines between the corresponding staves are connected in all following Grand Staves.