Cubase VST-Score Printing and Layout by - HTML preview

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Adding and Editing Notes

I enter a note with one value and it is shown as a note with another value.

In the default Song that comes with Cubase VST, the Rest Display Quantize is set to quarter notes. Change this to a smaller note value. Try turning off Auto Quantize, especially if you don’t have any triplets or triplets only.

Notes are not displayed on correct positions.


Try raising the Note Display Quantize value.


There are a number of short rests after my notes.


Your Rest Display Quantize might be set to too small a note value. Raise it. Also check Clean Lengths.


When I change the length of a note, nothing happens.

This is because the Display Quantize value puts a restriction on what note values can be displayed. Check that Display Quantize is actually set to the smallest note value you have in your piece.

I have adjusted Display Quantize and the other Staff settings best I can. The notes are still shown with the wrong values.


You might need to use one of three features: inserting Display Quantize Events, using Polyphonic Voicing, or applying Score Note To MIDI.


I change the Display Quantize settings in the Staff Settings dialog and nothing happens.


Maybe you have already inserted Display Quantize Events in the score? These override the Staff settings.


Suddenly many Display Quantize Events appear in the score.

This is not a malfunction. If you have had Auto Quantize on and start inserting Display Quantize Events, the Auto Quantizing is automatically transformed into Display Quantize Events.

One long note is shown as many tied notes.

Do other notes occur at the same positions but with different lengths? Then you need to use Polyphonic Voicing. Are the note(s) syncopated? Then you should try the syncopation feature.

Even though I’ve tried the above, notes are not tied as I want them.


The way notes are tied in Cubase VST follows basic notation rules. You may need to make exceptions to these rules, by using the Cutflag tool.


I have an unnecessary amount of rests.

Especially with Polyphonic Voicing, superfluous rests may be created. Try turning off rests for one or more voices. You might also leave the rests on in the Polyphonic Voice dialog and then Hide the rests you don’t need, one by one.

When using Polyphonic Voices, a number of rests are drawn on top of each other. As above, you should try Hiding rests (in the Polyphonic Voices dialog), Center Rests and possibly manually moving or hiding rests.


In Polyphonic Voices, notes that are on the same musical position are not displayed exactly vertically above each other.

This is not a malfunction. Cubase VST has built in automatic algorithms for making the score as legible as possible. Sometimes this will include adjustments of the “graphic” position of notes, especially with small intervals like seconds. You can always move the notes using the Layout Tool.

When using Polyphonic Voices, notes with small intervals “collide”.

As described above, Cubase VST tries to avoid this, but only for Voices 1 and 2 in the upper Staff and Voices 5 and 6 in the lower. For other Voices, please use the Layout tool to manually move the notes.

An action affects more or less objects (for example notes) than I expected.

Maybe the function uses the To menu? Please note that the To menu choice automatically changes sometimes. For example when you click on one note the choice might switch to “Selected”.

When I select a note, nothing is shown on the Info Line.

The note is probably tied to another note. This means that the second note doesn’t really exist, it is just a graphic indication that the main note is long. Try selecting the main note instead.