Cubase VST-Score Printing and Layout by - HTML preview

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Symbols and Layout

Symbols from the Layout part of the Symbol Palette are sometimes invisible when I open the score.

This is not a malfunction. Those symbols are part of a Layout. If you open the score with another Layout, for example because you open another combination of Tracks, you will see another Layout which might not contain any Symbols at all. See the chapter “Working with Layouts”.

I can’t select an object on the screen, or I can’t select an object without selecting another object.

Use the selection rectangle to drag up (or down) and around the objects. Then hold down [Shift] and deselect all the objects you don’t want included, by clicking on them. You should also check out the Lock Layer function.

Symbols have disappeared.


Are they Layout symbols? Then maybe they belong to another Layout than the one you are editing now.


If that is not the reason, maybe you have inserted the symbol into the wrong staff. Please observe the warning on page 188.


A Symbol doesn’t move with its Staff. Auto Layout produces far too wide spacing. Maybe you have inserted the symbol into the wrong staff. Please observe the warning on page 188.


A Note symbol appears too far from the note I wanted it inserted on. Do you have the correct voice activated? Note symbols are inserted into voices, just like notes.