Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Routing Channels and Effects to Audio Outputs

Routing a channel to a certain output is a two stage process. First you route channels to buses, and then you route buses to outputs. For logic reasons we will describe these two steps in reverse order!

Activating and naming buses

This is described in detail on page 507. Here are the basic steps:

1. Select VST Master Mixer from the Panels menu.
A window with as many stereo buses as your audio hardware has stereo outputs appears. You can also view the Master strip (but not the separate Output Buses, if any) in the VST Channel Mixers, by activating the Master On button.

00007.jpg2. For each bus, select a stereo output from the pop-up menu at the bottom.

3. Activate the stereo buses you want to use, by clicking the corresponding Active buttons.
The leftmost bus, Master, is always active. Do not activate outputs that you won’t use, as they may consume processing power.

4. If desired, rename the various buses, by clicking on the Bus name fields at the top of each section.
Generally, it is always recommended that you label the Buses to reflect what’s connected to them.

Routing channels to buses

Once the buses are active, you can route outputs from the respective windows:


• In the VST Channel Mixers you can route all kinds of channels to buses, using the menus at the bottom of the window.
In the VST Channel Settings windows, you can route sends to buses (see page 510).
• In the VST Send effects window you route the return signals from the effects to buses (see page 510).