Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Opening Logical Edit

1. If needed, select Parts or Events you want to operate on.


See below for details.


2. Select Logical Editor from the Functions menu or use a Key Command (by default [Ctrl][L]).

What will be affected?

As always, this depends on the window you “come from” and the selection:

Arrange Window – No Parts Selected
Arrange Window – One or more Parts selected Any MIDI editor

Logical Edit operates on
All Parts on the active Track.
The selected Parts.
The Events that the “To” menu is set for.

What is currently edited is displayed in the title bar of the Logical Edit window. P Before you enter Logical Edit from an editor, check that the “To” menu is set as desired.

About using Logical Edit with different Track Classes

The natural choice is of course to use Logical Edit on MIDI Tracks. But Logical Edit can also be used on Drum Tracks to edit MIDI data and on Mixer Tracks to edit Mix data (see page 224 for a description of the Mixer Track Event values).