Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Mapping Controller Messages

There might be situations where you want one Control Change message to “masquerade” for another. For example, you might have a unit that reacts to Breath Controller messages, but nothing to generate them with. You might then set up Cubase VST to convert for example Modulation Wheel Events to Breath Controllers, before recording them. Proceed as follows:

1. Pull down the Options menu and select “System...” from the MIDI Setup submenu. The MIDI System Setup dialog opens.


2. Locate the Controller Map section.
3. If you want to make sure no mapping takes place, click the Reset Map button.
This turns off mapping for all Controllers.


4. Scroll the upper field to select the Controller you want to map.


In our example, this would be Modulation Wheel.


5. Use the lower field to set which type of Controller to map to.


In our example this would be Breath Controller.

This Controller
is converted into
this Controller.

00412.jpg6. Continue setting up mapping for as many Controller as you wish, in the same way. Any Controller can be mapped into any other, and all at the same time if you wish.