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The MIDI Track Mixer layout

00416.jpgThe MIDI Track Mixer, in an Arrangement with eight MIDI Tracks.


• Each “channel strip” corresponds to a MIDI, Drum or Folder Track in the Arrangement. If you add or delete Tracks, the MIDI Track Mixer window adjusts accordingly.


• Folder Tracks are not visible in the Track Mixer, unless they contain MIDI Tracks.

• The MIDI Track Mixer works by sending out MIDI messages to your connected instrument(s).
If the instruments are not able or set to respond to the MIDI messages (such as MIDI Volume, Pan, etc), the MIDI Track Mixer will not work properly.

• If you have several MIDI Tracks set to the same MIDI channel, making settings for one of these Tracks will also affect all other Tracks set to the same channel. For example, if you move the fader for one of the Tracks, the faders for the other Tracks on the same channel will move accordingly.

• Tracks set to channel “Any” are displayed in the MIDI Track Mixer, but many of the settings will be disabled.
The “Any” channel concept is explained on page 43.

• The MIDI Track Mixer can handle up to 128 Tracks.