Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Auditioning and Scrubbing

There are a number of techniques for monitoring Events, to aid you in finding positions for editing operations:




This allows you to play back an Event from any position, at its “normal speed”: 1. Deactivate the Scrub icon on the Status Bar.



Auditioning mode.
2. Select the Speaker Tool from the Toolbox.

3. Click on an Event.


The Event is played back from that point as long as you keep the mouse button pressed.



This allows you to play the Event back at practically any speed, forwards or backwards. This is convenient when trying to find a certain point to perform some editing at, such as splitting, changing Insets etc. The Scrubbed audio is not affected by Dynamic Events or any VST Channel Mixer settings, only by the VST Master Mixer faders.

1. Activate the Scrub icon on the Status Bar.



Scrub mode.
2. Select the Speaker Tool from the Toolbox.

3. Press the mouse button over an Event and drag sideways.
The faster you move the pointer, the higher the playback speed. If you drag to the left, audio will be played backwards.

Monitoring Settings


If the Speaker icon is activated, certain operations will give you audible feedback, namely:


• Changing Start and End Insets.


• Setting Q-points.

If you perform one of the above actions with the Speaker icon activated, a short section of the segment will be played back, allowing you to monitor your edits. If you move the Start Inset, you will hear a short section from the Start Inset and onwards. If you move the End Inset you will hear a short section up until the End Inset. To set the desired length of the played section, proceed like this:

1. Hold down [Ctrl] on the computer keyboard.
2. Click on the Speaker icon.


A small pop-up menu appears.


00472.jpg3. Select one of the options on the menu.