Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Opening Wave Editor Windows

From the Audio editor

To open the Wave editor, displaying the segment and file played by an Event in the Audio editor, proceed as follows:


• Select the Event in the Audio editor and select “Edit” from the Edit menu, or...

• Double click on the Event in the Audio editor.
The Wave editor opens, displaying the file, with the relevant segment indicated in black and the rest of the waveform in grey.

From the Pool

To open the Wave editor displaying a certain segment and its file, do one of the following:


• Double click on a segment in the Pool.
• Select the segment in the Pool and select “Edit” from the Edit menu.

Working with Multiple Editors

Using the techniques described above you can open as many Wave editor windows as memory permits.


By switching between the different windows you can work on a number of different files at the same time.

Making a Window Display another File

It is possible to make any of the open Wave editor windows display any of the files in the Pool:


1. Pull down the pop-up File menu.


00515.jpgThe Wave editor’s File menu holds a list of the files in the Pool.


2. Select the desired file. The rulers in the Wave editor are always in Real Time format (Hours:Minutes: Seconds:Milliseconds).