Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Adjusting the View


Thumbnail View

The thumbnail is a miniature view of the file. The big difference between the thumbnail and the main waveform area is that the thumbnail always displays the entire file. Use the thumbnail view to quickly navigate around in the file.

The frame in the thumbnail shows what portion of the whole file is shown in the waveform display above.

The inverted section of the file is selected for editing.

The part of the file inside this rectangle is shown in the
display above.

00516.jpgThe active segment is shown in black, while the rest of the file is greyed out.

Segment Display

In the waveform area, the currently selected segment is indicated in black with Inset arrows (see the Audio editor). We call this the active segment. All audio data outside the active segment is displayed in grey.

You can make any of the segments in the file active, see page 414. 00517.jpgThe active segment is displayed in black, while the rest of the file is grey.


Using the Scroll Bars


As in all editors, you can use the scroll bars to move through the displayed data.


Scrolling to the segment Start and End

• To move to the beginning/end of the selected segment, click the Go To Segment Start/ End buttons on the Status Bar.
The Song position is then also moved to this position.

00518.jpgThe Go To Segment Start/End buttons.


Using the Thumbnail
• By dragging the rectangle in the Thumbnail, you can scroll to any position.
00519.jpgDragging in the Thumbnail.

Setting Magnification

There are two ways to set the Magnification:
• Use the slider at the end of the scroll bar.

• Hold down the [Ctrl] key and drag inside the Thumbnail view.
When you release the mouse button, the selected part of the waveform will be shown in the waveform display.

00520.jpg[Ctrl]]-dragging in the Thumbnail view will select
a part of the file for display.

