Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Just as with Volume, the pan (stereo position) of each audio channel can be controlled in two ways: with the Pan controls in the VST Channel Mixer or with the Dynamic Pan Events in the Audio Editor.

VST Channel Mixer


The Pan controls in the VST Channel Mixer pans the sound between the left and right side of the assigned stereo output bus. If your mix contains stereo recordings, you will probably want to pan each stereo pair hard left/right.

• When you are changing Pan for a channel, the setting is shown numerically (L64-<C>R64) in the level display below the fader.
To make the display show the fader setting again, click the fader handle.

• To make fine Pan adjustments, hold down [Shift] when you move the Pan control.
• To select center Pan position, hold down [Ctrl] and click on the Pan control.

• The Pan control for an audio channel is “mirrored” in the Inspector.
Changing the Pan value in the Inspector is reflected in the VST Channel Mixer, and vice versa. Please note that for stereo Audio Tracks, only the left channel’s Pan is displayed in the Inspector.

The Master and bus faders determine the levels of each “side” in the stereo output. There are no Pan controls in the Master window. Just as with Volumes you can automate the panning using the Write function or the Dynamic Events (see page 472).

Dynamic Events

You can use the Dynamic Events feature in the Audio Editor to create Pan curves for single Audio Events. The Pan value is determined by the last setting of either the Dynamic Pan Event, or the automated Pan in the VST Channel Mixer for that channel.