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ReWire Channels

If you have ReWire activated (see the chapter “ReWire”), a number of ReWire channels will appear in the VST Channel Mixer:

• ReWire channels are displayed in red, and appear to the right of the regular audio channels.
If you cannot see the ReWire channels, you need to select a Mixer View that contains ReWire channels (see page 468).

• ReWire channels may be mono channels, stereo channel pairs or any combination, depending on the synthesizer application.

• ReWire channels have the same functionality as regular audio channels. This means you can set volume and pan, add EQ, Insert and Send Effects and route the channel outputs to Groups or Buses. All settings can be automated using the Read/Write functions. However, ReWire channels have no Input/Monitor buttons and no VST Dynamics.

• All unmuted ReWire channels are included when you mix down to an audio file using the Export Audio File function (see page 516).