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Automating a VST Instrument

Automation of VST Instrument parameters is not done using the standard VST Read/ Write automation. Instead, you record parameter changes on a regular MIDI Track:

P VST Instrument automation uses System Exclusive messages to record parameter changes. Before you follow the steps below, open the MIDI Setup on the Options menu and select “Filtering” from the submenu. Check that “Sysex” is not filtered out, i.e. that this item is not checked in the Record column of the MIDI Filter dialog.

1. Set up a MIDI Track for playback to a VST Instrument as described above.

2. Select another MIDI Track, and set its Output (and possibly MIDI Channel) to the same values as the first Track.
This is the Track on which you will record the Automation data. You could also record the automation on the MIDI Track used for Instrument playback, but we recommend that you use a separate Track, to make editing easier.

3. Set up the Locators to encompass the section you want to record.
4. Start recording, and make the parameter changes you want to automate.
The parameter settings are recorded as special System Exclusive messages. 5. Stop recording and play back the recorded Track.


The parameters will change as you recorded them.