Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Editing Tips and Tricks

• You can completely re-assemble your drum patterns by editing slices in the audio editor.

You can for example create variations and fills as needed, by duplicating and moving events.
• To replace the sounds in the loop, while maintaining the timing integrity of the playing, you
can use the “segment pop-up” feature to make the events play other segments than they
originally did. Hold down [Ctrl] and [Alt], click on an event and select the desired segment
from the pop-up menu that appears. You may want to name the relevant segments in the
Pool before doing this, to easier find the desired segments on the pop-up menu.
• Once you have finished editing a ReCycle file (or several), you can mix it (them) down to one
audio file, using the “Export Audio” feature described elsewhere in this book. This minimizes
the audio channels required for the loops. If also simplifies some editing procedures, since
there are fewer events to handle when “cutting and pasting”. Doing this does not mean you
can’t continue to perform detailed editing on the loop. You can always keep the original ReCycle Track muted, and re-do the “Audio Export” whenever it is needed.
• Exporting a “Polyphonic” ReCycle Track into a mono means it will only use up one audio
channel. No clicks will ever appear in this file, since the mixdown will include any overlapping audio as originally played on multiple channels.