Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Maintaining the Hard Disk


Always make sure your hard disk is defragmented. Fragmentation affects the performance of any hard disk severely. A defragmentation utility is included with Windows. See your computer manuals for details.

Delete Unused Files!

Cubase VST requires a lot of disk space and fast disks. If you don’t delete unused files, your hard disk will soon fill up.

When you use Purge Segments in the Pool, it will be evident which files are no longer used in a Song (the files not used will have no Segments at all). This gives you a way of finding out which files can be deleted. But please remember that an audio file can be used in more than one Song.

Back Up!

It can’t be said too often. Disk crashes are a well known phenomenon. Without a regular backup scheme you take the risk to lose valuable recordings!