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The Arrangement - More on what you can do with Parts and Tracks Creating Parts

• by recording (applies to Audio Parts, MIDI Parts and Drum Parts only, see the Getting Started book).
• by direct creation of an empty Part.
• by duplication of existing Parts (see Getting Started).
• by activating Write Mode in the VST Channel or MIDI Track Mixer (see the chapters “Mixing Audio and Using Effect” and “The MIDI Track Mixer”).

How Parts appear when you record

When you record on one Track the following rules apply:
• Recording from one point to another creates a Part that spans between these two points.

• Recording again between the same points or within the start and end points of the existing Part creates no new Part.
The music is either added to (Overdub mode) or replaces (Replace mode) the existing.

• If “Prerecord” in the Metronome dialog box is active, recording during the Precount will extend the Part to the left.
For obvious reasons Parts are not extended beyond the Left Locator position when you record in Cycle mode, or before Song Position 1.1.0.

• In other cases (like starting recording in an empty section of the Track, recording over Parts and recording out of existing Parts into empty areas of the Track), new Parts are only created where there wasn't any before.

As described above, the Overdub/Replace setting determines whether music is being added to the existing, or replaces it.


An example might clarify this:


You have an existing Part starting at 3.1.0 and ending at 4.1.0.



This creates a new Part starting at 2.1.0 and ending at 3.1.0...
You start the new recording in Overdub mode at 2.1.0 and end at 9.1.0.

00042.jpg...the old one between 3.1.0 and 4.1.0 is ...and finally there is a new part created kept, but music gets added to it... between 4.1.0 and 9.1.0.

Direct Creation of Empty Parts

There are three ways to create an empty Part:

• By double clicking in any empty (background) area between the Left and Right Locator, in the Arrange window.
The new Part winds up between the Locators, on the Track on which you clicked.

• By selecting Create Part from the Structure menu.
In this case, the new (empty) Part winds up on the active Track beginning at the Left Locator and ending at the Right Locator.

• By drawing it with the Pencil tool.
In this case, the Track, position and length of the new (empty) Part depends on your drawing, just like when you draw notes in an editor.

P A directly created Part never replaces an existing Part, but might overlap one. P Group Parts are created differently, see page 146.