Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Overlapping MIDI Parts

Parts on the same MIDI Track might overlap or be completely on top of one another. You can make good use of this feature in many ways:


• Parts which start with an upbeat can overlap the end of the Part before.
• Duplicate Parts (or Ghost Parts, see page 71) which are used to create delay effects, double sounds and so on, can be put on top of the original Parts.


You will probably find other creative uses for this feature.

Selecting overlapping Parts

To display overlapped Parts in an Arrangement, use the Select Overlap item on the Edit menu. This will select all Parts that are partially obscured by other Parts.


00043.jpg00044.jpg00045.jpgThe Select Overlap item...


00046.jpg00047.jpg00048.jpg00049.jpg...selects all overlapped Parts.