Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Drawing new Events

Tempo Events

Drawing one Event
1. Set the Snap value.


You can only input Events at the closest Snap position.


2. Select the Pencil.


3. Hold down [Alt], position the pointer (watch the tempo indicator on the Status Bar), and click once.
Drawing a Curve

1. Set the Snap value.
Don’t draw Tempo Events with a tighter spacing than you need, it’ll “eat up” memory and make the screen redraw slowly.

2. Select the Pencil.

3. Hold down [Alt], position the pointer (watch the tempo indicator on the Status Bar), and drag.
If you drag faster than the program can redraw the screen, don't worry, your movement is tracked anyway and the values are smoothed at the end of the draw.

If you have the display switched to the Time based mode (see page 551), the curve will get “compacted” or “expanded” as you input new tempi.

Time Signature Events

To draw in Time Signature Events, simply select the Pencil and click once in the Time Signature strip. You can also drag to input several Time Signature Events at the same time. To input a Time Signature change at every bar for example, set Snap to “1” and drag across the time Signature Strip. Then select each one and set its value using the Info Line.