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Moving Master Track data between Arrangements

As you know, you can have several Arrangements open at the same time. Each Arrangement has its own Master Track, for which the Master Track editor is an editor. To move Tempo Events, Time Signatures and Hitpoints between Arrangements, you can use two techniques: Cut, Copy and Paste or Import/Export.

Using Cut, Copy and Paste

To Cut, Copy and Paste between Arrangements, proceed as follows. 1. Select the Events you want to move, in the Graphic editor or in the List (it doesn't matter which). For details on selecting, see page 556.
2. Select Cut or Copy.

3. Select another Arrangement
This can be either an open one, one that you create using New on the File menu or one that you open from disk (as an Arrangement file).

4. In the new Arrangement, open the Master Track editor.
5. Set the Song Position to where you want to insert the block of data, and select Paste from the Edit menu.

P If, as a result of the Paste, one Event will wind up on the same position as an existing, the existing Event will get replaced. A block of tempo data that is Pasted in always replaces any tempo data at those positions.

Using Import and Export

If you want to move an entire Master Track between Arrangements, you use Import and Export on the pop-up Do menu in the Master Track editor.

• Export presents you with an ordinary file selector where you can define a name and location for your Master Track file.
• Import loads a Master Track from disk which simply replaces the current Master Track.