Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Using the “Repeat” function

This function lets you repeat one or several Parts, on the same or different Tracks:
1. Select the Part(s) you want to repeat.

2. Select the “Repeat Parts“ item on the Structure menu...


...or use a key command (by default [Ctrl]-[K]).


00088.jpg3. Enter the desired number of copies in the dialog box that appears.


Here you can also decide if the copies are to be Real Parts or Ghost Parts.

4. Click “OK”.
The selected Part(s) are repeated, and the copies are lined up “end-to-start” after the original(s). The Parts selected are treated as one block, so the relative spacing between the created Parts is determined by the beginning of the first selected Part and the end of the last.

00089.jpgYou can also repeat Parts using the Pencil tool and the [Alt] key, see page 61.