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Explode By Channel

With MIDI Tracks

If you have one or several MIDI Parts containing Events on several MIDI Channels, these Parts can be split up into new Parts, one for each MIDI Channel.

You may get a MIDI Part with Events on several different MIDI Channels if you for example record music from another sequencer into Cubase VST, or record using a split keyboard that sends on two MIDI Channels. This is just fine, if all you want to do is listen to the recorded music – just set the Channel setting for the Track to “Any”, and each Event will be played back on its own, associated MIDI Channel (and therefore the right sound). But if you want to edit or rearrange the music you probably wish to work with the different “instruments” separately.

Explode By Channel therefore allows you to split up a Track into new Parts on new Tracks so that Events get separated according to the MIDI Channel stored with the Event.

If you look at a Part in List Edit, you can see the MIDI Channel value for each Event.


00094.jpg00095.jpg00096.jpgWhen you perform the Explode operation, the Events with different MIDI Channel values are placed in new Parts, on new Tracks, each set to the Channel of their respective Events.

Performing the Explode operation
1. Select a MIDI Track to be Exploded.

2. Set the Left and Right Locators as boundaries for the Explode operation. All music between the Locators will be Exploded.

3. Select Explode By Channel from the Structure menu.
• If possible, the Parts are put in on existing Tracks set to the same MIDI Channel and Output. Otherwise, as many new Tracks as necessary are created. New Parts with Events on one MIDI Channel each are created on those Tracks, between the Left and Right Locators.
• For MIDI Tracks, each Track is set to the MIDI Channel the Events in them are stored on.

Using Explode By Channel with Drum Tracks

Explode By Channel splits up the Drum Track into several new Tracks, one per used Sound in the Drum Track. The new Tracks that are created are either MIDI or Drum Tracks (depending on the selected setting in the Preferences - MIDI - Others dialog), with notes on only one Sound per Track. If you want some of the Sounds back into composite Parts, you can always use the Merge Tracks function (see page 56 and below).


The Drum Part is split into
new Parts on one Track per
Sound (in this case MIDI


With Audio Tracks

You may want to split up a Track set to “Any” and which contain Events on several channels, into one Track for each channel. This is done using Explode By Channel on the Structure menu.

1. Select an Audio Track to be Exploded.
2. Set up the Left and Right Locators as boundaries for the operation.


All audio between the Locators will be Exploded.

3. Select Explode By Channel from the Structure menu.
New Tracks are created, as many as needed. New Parts with Events on one channel each are created on those Tracks, between the Left and Right Locators. Each Track is set to the Channel the Events in it are stored on.