![All New Design](/resources/img/allnew.png)
Let's say you have a Roland A-880 MIDI Patchbay. Its Input and Output 3 are connected to an MPU-compatible MIDI interface in the computer. The A-880 is set to receive Program Change messages on MIDI Channel 16.
Let's also say you have a Korg M1R rack module. This is connected to Input and Output 4 on the A-880.Here's how to set things up for the Studio Module:
1. Create a Patch in the A880 for your normal recording situation. This should probably allow some keyboard connected to the Patchbay to send its data via the Patchbay's MIDI Out 3, so that what you play can be recorded in Cubase. The MIDI Out from the computer goes to the MIDI In 3 of the Patchbay which distributes it to the other synthesizers in the system, including the Korg M1R on MIDI Out 4. Store this as Patch 11 (the first Patch in the A-880).
2. Create a second Patch where the computer has two way communication with the Korg M1R only! This means the MIDI Out of the computer should be sent to the MIDI In of the M1R, via the Patchbay, and the MIDI Out of the M1R should be connected to the MIDI In of the computer, also via the MIDI Patchbay. Store this as Patch 12 (the second Patch in the A-880).
3. Make sure the A-880 really receives Program Change messages on Input 3 and on MIDI Channel 16.P This is not to be confused with the MIDI Channels that can be set inside a Combi, for each sound. The Global MIDI Channel in a Korg M1R is found among the Global parameters!
Now use the Studio Setup window to set up communications using the information specified above:
1. Click on Add. In the File Selector that appears, open the STUDIO.DRV directory, the KORG directory, the M1_T1_T3 directory and select the file M_1.DEV. (If no such file exists, you have to quit the program, find the file and copy it to the correct directory). Click OK and the File Selector goes away.
2. You will now find a new item in the device list, called Korg M-1. Select it. 3. Set both its "Input" and "Output" to "MPU", since the M1R is connected to the MPU interface via the Roland A-880.4. The M1R has no System Exclusive Device ID, so this is greyed out. However, it has a Global MIDI Channel setting. Since the M1R has two modes (Program and Combi) there are two MIDI Channel settings in the Setup dialog. In the M1R, there is actually only one MIDI Channel setting (as stated above) so set “both” these values to 5.
As you can see, there are eight Child MIDI Channels on the M1. You don't have to worry about their settings though, since the Studio Module will find out about them, itself.
Let's start setting up the Patchbay part of the Setup dialog.
2. Set Output to MPU, MIDI Channel to 16 (since the A-880 is set to receive Program Change on MIDI Channel 16) and leave Delay at 100 (this might be a higher Delay value than is actually needed, but you won't notice much difference).
3. Double click in the Name field and type in for example "A-880". This can later be used to select the settings in the point above in one fell swoop.6. You should now create a "Total Recall patch" that will download at least the Programs and Combis each time you do a Total Recall. Select "New..." from the Total Recall popup, and type in for example "Everyday" and hit [Return]. Set up the Mask pop-up to include for example Programs and Combis only.
7. If needed, change any of the settings on the Options menu. You will want the M1R to appear in the Instrument list. You”might” turn off handshake.This completes the setup for the M1R. To add another device, click Add, find the driver and set it up as before. The Name, Output, MIDI Channel and Delay value of the Patchbay will already be defined so that you can select it from the pop-up.