Facebook Domination: The Secret Strategy for Unlimited Free Traffic by James Funicello - HTML preview

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Forget about Engagement Posts too

Your aim with Facebook content should always be to gain as much engagement as you can because this will ultimately lead to more free Facebook traffic. But you need to avoid any tactics that try to increase engagement levels as Facebook is totally against this.

Facebook call this “engagement bait” and in 2017 they changed their algorithm to incorporate machine learning to restrict the use of these tactics. The algorithm change looked for posts that tried to persuade users to engage such as asking them to comment, share, like or tag for example.

The algorithm will restrict the reach of Facebook Pages that continually use these tactics. So our advice is to avoid using these terms in your posts:

• Comment

• Tag

• Vote

• Like

It just makes a lot of sense to avoid doing things that Facebook doesn’t like in an attempt to get more clicks.

Stop making Image or Video posts with Links in Descriptions

Facebook wants you to share links using their native link posting feature. They do not want you to add an image or a video and then place your link in the caption. You will clash with the Facebook algorithm if you do this and you will find that your reach becomes restricted.

Always use a link post. Facebook wants you to do this so that they can create a preview which includes the headline, an image and a description. They believe that this enables their users to make a more qualified decision about clicking through.

Using other Facebook Channels to identify popular content If you are new to Facebook then this is a good way to find out what types of posts are popular. Even if you are an experienced user you should be doing this as well. All you need to do here is use the search facility within Facebook by entering a related keyword to your niche and then finding Facebook Groups where you believe your target audience would hang out.

For example you could search for “make money online” and you will see a list of groups returned. You could also use search terms like “Internet marketing” and “work from home”. Once you have the search results then click on “Groups” in the menu bar.

Now you need to join the groups that you think are right for your audience. Once accepted you can take a look inside to see what topics people discuss regularly. Look for questions that group members ask and seek out posts that receive high levels of engagement. Make a list and use this for future post content ideas.

In the next chapter we will discuss the types of content that really dive free traffic from Facebook…

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There are different types of content that you can post on your Facebook page. In this chapter we will look at four types of content that usually get good results in terms of engagement. We recommend that you create a posting schedule and plan in advance so that you post regularly. Once your followers know, like and trust you they will expect consistent posting.